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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

WEBINAR: Honoring Survivors’ Spiritual Needs: Supporting Jewish, Catholic, and Muslim Survivors of Domestic Violence

General Material
NRCDV Publications
Training Tools
Published Date
September, 2020

“None of us, as helpers, should ever put a battered woman in the position of having to choose between safety and the support of her faith community. She  needs both, and it’s up to us to provide that.” - Rev. Dr. Marie Fortune

For many survivors, spirituality and religious beliefs are an integral part of their healing journey. Through that lens, survivors make sense of their situations, consider their options, and make decisions. As advocates, we must recognize the importance of this influence and should learn ways to provide the support they need while respecting survivors’ faith traditions. This webinar will help advocates adopt a faith-sensitive lens and will offer best practices for supporting families who are guided by their faith. Participants will learn how faith can be a resource or a barrier to hope, help, and healing; gain insight into faith-specific understandings; be aware of best practices and resources for engaging faith leaders as allies; and explore strategies for working with faith leaders in their communities.

Associated Files
Attachment Size
Webinar Announcement 768.01 KB
Webinar Slides 1.47 MB
Public Chat 176.2 KB
Closed Captions 116.34 KB