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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

WEBINAR: The Nexus between Gender Based Violence and Housing Insecurity for American Indian and Alaska Native Survivors

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NRCDV Publications
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Published Date
May, 2020

For most survivors of sexual and domestic violence housing is an immediate and necessary need. For American Indian and Alaska Native Survivors the need is no different – but the additional barriers and complexities can sometimes feel insurmountable. In this webinar, presenters discuss American history’s impact in American Indian and Alaska Native housing instability and the findings from a group of experts from Indian country who work in the fields of gender-based violence and housing. 

This webinar highlights the findings of two recent reports: Colonization, Homelessness, and the Prostitution and Sex Trafficking of Native Women and National Workgroup on Safe Housing for American Indian and Alaska Native Survivors of Gender-Based Violence: Lessons Learned.

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