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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

WEBINAR: Supporting Survivors Before and Beyond Crisis: Creating a Supportive and Inclusive Workplace

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NRCDV Publications
Training Tools
Published Date
July, 2023

Every employer has survivor employees. With the number 1 obstacle to survivors' safety being financial insecurity, it is crucial that survivors find employment and build an income. However, research indicates that up to 60% of survivors lose their job as a result of GBV, and FreeFrom found that 90% of survivors are subjected to work interference by a harm-doer. This means that it is not enough to support survivors in finding employment, but also critical to support survivors in maintaining employment. FreeFrom models the workplace policies survivors say they need to stay employed, including living wage salaries, 401k accounts with an employer match, flexible work hours, paid and protected GBV leave and emergency safety grants, and more.  

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Webinar Slides 4.43 MB