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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

WEBINAR: THRIVE: A Framework for Understanding the Community Determinants of Intimate Partner Violence

General Material
NRCDV Publications
Training Tools
Published Date
August, 2016

There is growing understanding that social determinants of health (SDOH) need to be addressed in order to promote health, safety, and health equity. But there are few frameworks and tools that specifically focus on how to address issues like intimate partner violence (IPV) through a SDOH approach. Prevention practitioners working at the community level are asking questions such as: What factors need to be addressed to promote community environments that support safe relationships and decrease rates of IPV? And how can efforts to address these factors decrease inequities in rates of IPV rather than exacerbate them?

In this webinar, Prevention Institute provided an overview of THRIVE, a framework and tool that can help prevention practitioners explore these questions. PI shared work completed in 2016 with support from the Blue Shield of California Foundation to map the community determinants of IPV onto THRIVE.  Presenters explored how THRIVE can be used as a practical framework and tool to support local IPV prevention efforts in diverse community contexts.


  • Provide an overview of THRIVE, a framework and tool to address the social determinants of health at the community level;
  • Discuss the community determinants of IPV using THRIVE; and,
  • Explore how THRIVE can be used as a framework and tool to support local IPV prevention efforts in diverse community contexts.
Associated Files
Attachment Size
Webinar Announcement 310.1 KB
Handout 653.45 KB
Webinar Slides 8.26 MB
Text Chat 137.94 KB