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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

WEBINAR: Transforming the Gender-Based Violence Movement: Increasing BIPOC Representation and Actualizing Accountability Project Launch

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NRCDV Publications
Training Tools
Published Date
October, 2022

This webinar marks the “official” launch of the Transforming the Gender-Based Violence Movement: Increasing BIPOC Representation and Actualizing Accountability Project (formerly named the Women of Color Coalition Leadership Project), led by Arlene Vassell, NRCDV’s Vice President of Programs, Prevention and Social Change and Dr. Nkiru Nnawulezi, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

In 2018, NRCDV embarked on a research study to understand the dynamics of racial inequity in coalition leadership advancement within the gender-based violence movement. Specifically, we sought to understand why there continues to be an overrepresentation of white women in coalition leadership positions, despite multiple field-level interventions and trainings. The results from this study became the foundation for a deep collaboration with a multi-generational group of innovators of color who are leaders in the gender-based violence (GBV) movement. Collectively, we are actively working on a project to address the institutional and systemic issues that maintain racial disparities in leadership advancement and create ongoing barriers for People of Color to thrive (not only survive) in the GBV field.

Join us to learn more about this remarkable journey! We are excited to share what we learned and provide some concrete recommendations for responding to the racial inequities that exist in the GBV field.

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Webinar Flyer 1.19 MB