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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Widening the Lens: The Bi-directional Pathways between Domestic Violence and Social Factors

General Material
Published Date
November, 2018

Domestic violence (DV) is frequently understood and responded to as an interpersonal issue, but there is significant research demonstrating the relationship between DV and a range of social issues. This brief provides a synthesis of the research connecting three interrelated social issues and DV. It also includes a short discussion of the broad social context in which patterns of DV occur and a series of recommendations for decision makers, policy developers, and organizational leaders working to prevent DV in their communities. The infographic offers a visual depiction of the research synthesis and is available in both English and Spanish. These resources are intended to serve as useful tools for communicating the importance of comprehensive, community-wide approaches to addressing DV for community leaders and service providers, including those who work with Spanish-speaking populations.