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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Young Women Speak Out! Perspectives and Implications of Reproductive Health, Rights & Justice Policies

General Material
Published Date
January, 2010

From the overview (page 1): "How have notable reproductive and sexual health policies impacted California adolescents' rights to complete and accurate information and services? Does family communication about sex really influence their decisions? Are pregnant and parenting youth provided equal access to educational opportunities? Does the public debate surrounding adolescent childbearing recognize underlying systemic factors or vilify youth?"

"In Young Women Speak Out! California Latinas for Reproductive Justice (CLRJ) assessed young Latinas' perceptions about the implementation of key California reproductive and sexual health policies in order to address the questions posed above. This community-informed research project explored the views and documented the experiences of young Latinas in diverse California regions regarding reproductive and sexual health concerns in order to showcase the day-to-day implications that such policies have among youth in our communities. The young women's experiences highlight the significant gap between existing policies and their connection to the most underserved young Latinas' lives. They also highlight the systemic discrimination experienced by pregnant and parenting Latina youth within educational institutions and the absence of public debate focusing on health, educational and social support networks for these young parents."