Collaboration / Bridge Building Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
Learning to Build Bridges Between Churches and Community-Based Resources
Publisher(s): This webpage from RAVE features a guide for assisting the collaborative process between churches and community-based resources, including reasons to invite pastors to the collaborative table on domestic violence and the role of clergy in addressing domestic violence.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Many Voices, Many Traditions: A FVPSA Toolkit for Working with Indigenous Partners
Publisher(s):Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center, Alliance of Tribal Coalitions to End Violence, National Indigenous Women's Resource Center (NIWRC), National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), Pouhana O Nā Wāhine
This toolkit provides users with foundational knowledge and historical context when working with indigenous peoples, important landmark decisions that have had an impact on tribal and indigenous communities, as well as more practical information about FVPSA funding options and building equitable partnerships.
- General Material
TANF, Healthy Marriage, and Responsible Fatherhood Provisions
This document includes an excerpt of the Subtitle A ñ TANF provisions included in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 signed into law on 2/8/06. More detailed analysis and resources will be posted soon.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Assisting Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence, Law Enforcement Guide
Publisher(s):This guide for law enforcement officers provide information about language and cultural issues faced by immigrant women, and immigration laws and services available for immigrant women. The guide also includes suggestions for responding to immigrant victims of domestic violence.
- General Material
Stages of HIV Infection
Publisher(s):This page discusses the three phases of HIV infection, what to expect, signs and symptoms, and various testing and treatment options at each phase. It Also includes a detailed description of common AIDS-defining (Opportunistic) Infections.
- General Material
If You Really Care about Environmental Justice, You Should Care about Reproductive Justice!
Publisher(s):Environmental Justice, like RJ, incorporates a social justice framework. It seeks to reduce the inequitable environmental burdens born by communities of color, women, indigenous communities and those living in economically disadvantaged areas or developing nations.
- General Material
Building Coalitions to Bring About Change
Publisher(s):Reviews effective strategies for building successful coalitions; discusses issues are important to consider in building cross-class and multiracial collaborations; describes roles collaboration builders play in creating the most enduring coalitions.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Coaching Boys into Men Playbook
Publisher(s):This Playbook provides "teach-easy" tactics and teachable moments to illustrate ways coaches can role model and promote healthy choices and relationships among youth.
- General Material
Organizing to End Violence Against Women: Putting Principles Into Practice
Publisher(s):This document presents and discusses basic organizing principles for engaging men in ending violence against women. These principles include have been developed, reviewed and refined over two decades and include keeping women’s voices and experiences central to the work, exploring racial justice, intersectionality of violence, and eliminating patriarchy.
- General Material
Final Report on the project entitled: Animal Welfare and Domestic Violence
This study assesses animal maltreatment in samples of women seeking safety at shelters and community samples of women. Women in shelter were much more likely (54%) to report partners' hurting or killing of their pets than women not in shelter (3.5%).
- General Material
Addressing Violence Against Women in Middle and Low-Income Countries: A Multi-Sectoral Approach
Publisher(s):This document briefly discusses the scope, magnitude, consequences, and causes of VAW, and highlights the importance of coordination between sector-specific approaches, civil society initiatives, and government institutions to address VAW. The document includes examples of national commissions and community-based networks to improve inter-sectoral coordination.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Bridges to Better
Publisher(s): Bridges to Better is an approach to improving outcomes for children and families impacted by domestic violence who are in the child welfare system, or are at risk of involvement with child welfare. The Bridges to Better website was developed by Futures Without Violence in partnership with national organizations, with guidance from a national advisory committee.