Criminal Justice Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
August 2014
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault in the U.S.: A Human Rights Based Approach & Practice Guide
Publisher(s):ACLU Women's Rights Project, Columbia Law School Human Rights Institute, Miami Law Human Rights Clinic
The guide provides an overview of human rights law’s approach to addressing gender-based violence. Specifically, the guide focuses on the “due diligence” standard and provides a comprehensive framework to address human rights violations in a systemic and proactive manner.
- General Material
July 2014
Investigation of the Newark Police Department
Publisher(s): The Department of Justice opened an investigation of the Newark Police Department in May 2011, after receiving serious allegations of civil rights violations, including excessive force, unwarranted stops, and arrests, and discriminatory police actions. This report sets out the DOJ’s investigative findings.
- General Material
July 2014
Police Departments’ Use of the Lethality Assessment Program: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation
Publisher(s):This report describes the Lethality Assessment Program—Maryland Model (LAP), created by the Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence (MNADV) in 2005, which is an innovative strategy to prevent domestic violence homicides and serious injuries.
- Training Tools
- General Material
May 2014
A Roadmap to Risk Assessment: ODARA and Maine’s CCR
This webinar describes the process leading to the recommendation that Maine risk assessment practice be updated to include the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) tool.
- General Material
- Training Tools
May 2014
Betraying the Badge: Officer-Involved Domestic Violence
Publisher(s): This webinar highlights how batterers who wear a badge can misuse their professional training and authority as weapons against their victims. Officers who are victims of intimate partner violence may be reluctant to identify as victims and may face negative professional consequences for reporting, or failing to report, the abuse.
- General Material
May 2014
Human Trafficking & Native Peoples in Oregon: A Human Rights Report
Publisher(s):The report focuses specifically on Native populations within Oregon. Its focus is one of a human rights legal fact-finding report that sets out to measure whether federal, state, and local government officials are meeting their obligations under international, national and state law in prosecuting traffickers, protecting survivors, and preventing trafficking as it involves the Native population in Oregon.
- General Material
April 2014
Thinking Outside the Box: Limiting the Collection of Rape Kit Evidence in Acquaintance Rape Trials
Publisher(s): This article explores the concept of limiting the collection of rape kit evidence in cases where the victim knows the person who raped them.
- General Material
April 2014
Trauma and Resilience
This publication sets forth key risks of and opportunities for using research on trauma in youth advocacy. It focuses on legal strategies advocates can use in court, and the state and local policies needed to support these strategies.
- General Material
March 2014
Shifting the Paradigm for Investigating Trauma Victimization
Publisher(s): This resource outlines the Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview (FETI), an interviewing method that uses information about the parts of the brain that experience trauma.
- General Material
January 2014
Transgender People, Intimate Partner Violence, and the Legal System
Publisher(s): Leigh Goodmark’s article, "Transgender People, Intimate Partner Abuse, and the Legal System," is the first law review article to concentrate specifically on intimate partner abuse and the transgender community. In this webinar, Leigh Goodmark presents this research, and Terra Slavin and michael munson comment on critical analysis in the article and reflect its utility for practitioners and victims.
- General Material
January 2014
Understanding the Link between Violence to Animals and People: A Guidebook for Criminal Justice Professionals
Publisher(s):The Link between violence to people and violence to animals is well documented by research, both nationallyand internationally. In its simplest form: violence to animals is a predictor that the abuser may becomeviolent to people, and vice versa. Abuse is abuse no matter what the form or whom the victim.
Crimes against people are tied to a myriad of crimes against animals and threespecific types of animal abuse that are linked to crimes against people are featured in this guidebook: sexualassaults against animals (bestiality), animal hoarding, and animal fighting.
- General Material
- Training Tools
January 2014
The Collaboration Toolkit for Community Organizations: Effective Strategies to Partner with Law Enforcement
Publisher(s):This toolkit outlines how to strengthen partnerships between the community and law enforcement, further the community's role as a partner in crime reduction efforts, identify and address social issues that diminish the quality of life and threaten public safety in communities, and link those in need to services and resources that currently exist in the community.