Criminal Justice Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
January 2008
The Unconstitutionality and Inefficacy of Sex Offender Residency Laws
Publisher(s):This paper examines existing and potential constitutional challenges to various state residency laws, policy concerns and considerations of creating or expanding sex offender residency laws, and the political causes and ramifications of the residency laws and explains the need for a Supreme Court decision establishing the constitutional limit of residency laws
- General Material
January 2008
Do Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws Affect Criminal Behavior?
Publisher(s):The evidence suggests that registration reduces the frequency of sex offenses among "local" victims" (e.g., friends, acquaintances, neighbors) but not against strangers. It also presents evidence that community notification deters first-time sex offenses but increases recidivism by registered offenders by imposing social and financial costs, making non-criminal activity relatively less attractive after an initial conviction. This is consistent with previous work by criminologists and important because the stated purpose of community notification is to reduce recidivism.
- NRCDV Publications
- General Material
October 2007
Child Custody and Visitation Decisions in Domestic Violence Cases: Legal Trends, Risk Factors, and Safety Concerns (Revised 2007)
Publisher(s):VAWnet: The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV)
Describes major legal and social trends surrounding custody and visitation decisions and the social science evidence supporting the need to consider domestic violence. Recommendations for custody and visitation decisions are explored.
- General Material
September 2007
How to Improve Your Investigation and Prosecution of Strangulation Cases
Publisher(s):This paper highlights results of a study examining 300 strangulation cases, 89% of which involved domestic violence.
- General Material
July 2007
The Validity of Risk Assessments for Intimate Partner violence: A Meta-Analysis
Publisher(s):This meta-analysis reviews the predictive accuracy of different approaches and tools that are used to assess the risk of recidivism for male spousal assault offenders.
- General Material
July 2007
The Importance of Assessment in Sex Offender Management: An Overview of Key Principles and Practices
Publisher(s):It is designed for all stakeholders who have a role in sex offender management, whether as gatherers or consumers of assessment data. These stakeholders include judges, release decision makers, evaluators, treatment providers, personnel within correctional facilities, probation and parole officers, and administrators at all levels.
- General Material
June 2007
Study Reveals Unique Issues Faced by Deaf Victims of Sexual Assault
Publisher(s):This report summarizes researchers' recommendations for improving the relationship between law enforcement and the deaf community, based on results of an investigation of the impact of sexual assault on members of the deaf community.
- General Material
May 2007
Research Bulletin: Sex Offender Populations, Recidivism and Actuarial Assessment
Publisher(s):The purpose of this bulletin is to summarize the research on sex offender recidivism rates, and to provide an overview of the availability, validity and usefulness of actuarial risk assessment instruments specific to sex offenders.
- General Material
April 2007
Female Officers as Victims of Police-Perpetrated Domestic Violence
Publisher(s):This article examines how the expectations and values of the female officer's profession and workplace culture influence her behavior and decisions regarding her abusive relationship.
- General Material
April 2007
Residential Proximity & Sex Offense Recidivism in Minnesota
Publisher(s):Results of this analysis suggest that residential proximity had very little impact on the 224 offenses for two identified reasons. First, social or relationship proximity was found to be of greater significance. Second, where direct contact was made, offenders were unlikely to do so close to their residences.
- General Material
March 2007
Female Sex Offenders
Publisher(s):This review encompasses what is known about the seemingly low incidence of these crimes and their under-recognition, common characteristics and typologies of female sex offenders, and key considerations relative to assessment, treatment, and supervision strategies. It is intended for a wide range of professionals, including criminal and juvenile justice practitioners, court officials, treatment providers, child welfare personnel, victim advocates, and others who may be involved in the broader management of this special population.
- General Material
February 2007
Managing the Challenges of Sex Offender Reentry
Publisher(s):This policy and practice brief is designed to inform the efforts of correctional administrators and staff, parole boards and other releasing authorities, community supervision officials, treatment providers, and non-criminal justice partners as they work collaboratively to support the successful transition of sex offenders from prison to the community while ensuring victim and community safety.