Criminal Justice Content Topic Results
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Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
April 2001
Community Notification and Education
Publisher(s):This policy and practice brief examines the differences in state laws regarding community notification and explores some innovative approaches to notification and education in place across the United States.
- NRCDV Publications
- General Material
February 2001
Towards an Understanding of Women's Use of Non-Lethal Violence in Intimate Heterosexual Relationships
Publisher(s):VAWnet: The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV)
The paper examines the complex issue of women's use of non-lethal violence against their male partners including a review of existing research, an examination of the motivations and context, and a critical analysis to inform policy and practice.
- General Material
January 2001
No Escape: Male Rape in U.S. Prisons
Publisher(s):This report discusses the context of male rape in prison and the roles of consent, coercion, manipulation, threat of violence, violence and sexual slavery.
- General Material
January 2001
Payment for Forensic Exams
Publisher(s):This report examines states' recent payment strategies for sexual assault forensic exams and the strategies' strengths and shortcomings.
- General Material
December 2000
Sex Offender Community Notification: Assessing the Impact in Wisconsin
Publisher(s):The authors confirm that community notification efforts protect and inform residents, thereby serving the purpose that policymakers intended, but at the cost of increased public anxiety, hindered reintegration of offenders into society, and increased labor burdens on service providers. In documenting community resident responses and expectations, Zevits and Farkas acknowledge the need to educate the public about what notification laws can and cannot accomplish.
- General Material
November 2000
OJJDP Juvenile Justice Bulletin: Co-Occurence of Delinquency and Other Problem Behaviors
Publisher(s):This bulletin discusses findings that indicate preventing delinquency requires identification of risk factors that increase the likelihood of delinquent behavior and protective factors that enhance positive behaviors.
- General Material
October 2000
The Collaborative Approach to Sex Offender Management
Publisher(s):It also describes how jurisdictions can promote shared responsibility among key policymakers and practitioners for decision-making on offender management issues.
- General Material
April 2000
Public Opinion and the Criminal Justice System: Building Support for Sex Offender Management Programs
Publisher(s):It will address three areas of interest: why the public's perspective is important; how leadership in different states has benefited from studies of public opinion about crime and criminal justice issues; and why it is essential that the criminal justice system view the public as a partner rather than an adversary or simply a group of consumers.
- General Material
March 2000
Children's Advocacy Centers in Indian Country
Publisher(s):The booklet discusses CAC's model in developing a proven response to child abuse by creating a multidisciplinary team approach that coordinates the key services involved in the investigation, prosecution, and treatment&of child abuse cases. It concludes by encouraging tribal communities in the developmental stages to consider the CAC's model as an appropriate response to child abuse.
- General Material
January 2000
Community Supervision of the Sex Offender: An Overview of Current and Promising Practices
Publisher(s):The purpose of this brief is to provide an overview and discussion of emerging practices and lessons in communities across the country in the management of sex offenders under community supervision.
- General Material
January 2000
The Impact of Police-Perpetrated Domestic Violence
This article examines the dynamics of police-perpetrated domestic violence and how it impacts the victim, the department, and the community. It explores how a police officer's training and professional life contribute to his arsenal of techniques and tactics of abuse.
- General Material
January 2000
Offender Risk Assessment
Publisher(s):While there are many different methods of risk assessment, they tend to fall into two broad categories: clinical and actuarial (Milner & Campbell, 1995; Grubin, 1999). Clinical prediction requires the observation of an offender by a psychiatrists or a psychologist; clinicians assess risk based on their professional training, theoretical knowledge and experience with offenders.