Intervention & Prevention Content Topic Results
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Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
LGBTQ Inclusivity Tip Sheets
Publisher(s): This series of tip sheets highlight key considerations for providing inclusive and accessible services to LGBTQ youth in a variety of settings.
- General Material
Overcoming Inadmissibility for U Visa applicants
This paper provides information and strategies for applying for U visa application waivers.
- Training Tools
- General Material
Instigate! An Online Toolkit for Community Mobilization
Publisher(s):Provides tips, tools and exercises to guide the development of a Community Action Team in your neighborhood, city, faith-based group, school or place of employment. Designed primarily for use by domestic violence and public health organizations.
- General Material
Understanding Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault
Publisher(s): Dating violence and sexual assault disproportionately affect teens and young adults. Hundreds of thousands of young people are experiencing dating abuse, sexual assault, and stalking every year. This publication from LoveIsRespect offers key considerations for service providers working with teen survivors of dating violence and sexual assault, including barriers to accessing services.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Abuse in Later Life Wheel
Publisher(s):This abuse in later life power and control wheel describes different types of abuses that occur in later life and tactics used by abusers to exercise power and control over their victims. This wheel was developed in consultation with survivors of later life abuse.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Gender and Disaster Sourcebook
Publisher(s):The Gender and Disaster Sourcebook is a one-stop, user-friendly electronic guide to information on gender and disaster.
- General Material
AAPI LGBTQ+ Experiences of GBV
Publisher(s): This fact sheet summarizes the layered needs and experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and more (LGBTQ+) Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) survivors and communities in the U.S., based on the current literature available.
- General Material
Introduction to Trauma, Healing & Resilience: For Rabbis, Jewish Educators, and Organizers
Publisher(s):This guide aims to synthesize the wide and deep fields of trauma studies, trauma healing, trauma-sensitive education and resilience, and to present this material in ways that are clear, accessible, relevant and applicable to Jewish life, education, organizing and spirituality, in order to create a more just and compassionate world
- General Material
Model Workplace Policy On Employer Responses to Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking
Publisher(s):This model policy outlines guidelines for workplace responses to victims/survivors of violence and perpetrators of violence.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit
Publisher(s):This toolkit supports caseworkers, supervisors, and all other levels of the child welfare workforce in implementing trauma-informed knowledge and skills in their daily interactions, professional services and organizational culture.
- General Material
Topic 607 - Adoption Credit and Adoption Assistance Programs
Publisher(s):This page provides general information about the ATC including who can qualify, refund levels, and links to the necessary forms. The site also explains changes to the ATC over the past few years.
- General Material
UNFPA Strategy and Framework of Action to Addressing Gender Based Violence 2008-2011
Publisher(s):This framework identifies eight priority areas in which UNFPA should strategically direct programming to address gender based violence.