• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Intervention & Prevention Content Topic Results

The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
total results: 2261  | date published date added a-z


  • General Material

Issues Specific to Women (Fact Sheets)

Women report exposure to many different types of traumatic events, and are especially likely to experience sexual assault in childhood, adulthood, or both. Sexual assault is a type of trauma that often leads to the onset of PTSD for both women and men. Given greater exposure to this type of trauma, women are particularly at risk for PTSD. These fact sheets have information that is specific to women veterans and trauma.
  • General Material

Establishing Individual Development Accounts for Domestic Violence Survivors

This brief fact sheet describes IDA programs, eligibility requirements, and how AFI grantees can work with domestic violence programs to offer IDAs to survivors.
  • General Material

Tax Benefits for Education: Information Center

This page provides information about tax credits, deductions and savings plans that can help taxpayers with their expenses for higher education.
  • General Material
  • Training Tools

Teen Dating Violence Curriculum for Asian/Asian American Youth

ATASK’s teen dating violence for Asian youth curriculum encourages teens from Asian/Asian American communities to think about stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination and its correlation with domestic violence. For a copy of the curriculum, please contact the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence at 617-338-2350.
  • General Material

Risk & Protective Factors for Youth

As youth grow and reach their developmental competencies, there are variables that promote or hinder the process (often referred to as protective and risk factors). This webpage from outlines risk and protective factors for mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders in adolescence.
  • General Material

Strategy Selection Workbook: Key Steps to Selecting Primary Prevention Strategies

Author(s): Publisher(s):
Deciding which materials (e.g., marketing campaigns, curricula, etc.) or strategies are primary prevention-based is often a difficult and involved process. There are few, if any, clear cut answers. This document is meant to help guide your process of determining if a strategy is likely to be primary prevention-based or not. It is not meant to help figure out which strategies are sanctioned by funding sources or which are the best ones for your community but rather give you a process by which to explore the key factors in strategy selection.
  • General Material
  • NRCDV Publications
  • Training Tools

TA Bundle: Advocacy & Male-Identified Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This Technical Assistance (TA) Bundle includes resources to help advocates and service providers increase their capacity around serving male-identified victims. Promising practices are shared throughout the resources to invite those helping survivors in developing programs and services to support survivors across the gender spectrum.  
  • Training Tools
  • General Material

Interactive Guide to Safety Planning

Safety plans look different for different types of abuse and different people. This interactive feature can help teens and young adults customize their very own safety plan to fit their specific situations.
  • General Material


HeadsUpGuys is an online, anonymous resource specifically designed for men, and their families, to prevent the continued erosion of men’s mental health and deaths by suicide. It offers tips and articles that arm men with the tools they need to fight depression, as well as recovery stories from men who have faced depression, and an international therapist directory to connect men with local mental health professionals.
  • General Material

Choosing Trauma-Informed Care for Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Fact Sheet for Caregivers

This fact sheet provides information for caregivers on choosing trauma-informed care for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
  • General Material
  • Training Tools

Addressing Domestic Violence in a Clinical Setting

This manual is designed for health professionals and addresses domestic violence from the clinical perspective, with a focus on assisting migrant and immigrant survivors of abuse.
  • General Material

Psychological First Aid for Families Experiencing Homelessness

Author(s): Publisher(s):
This manual offers information on homelessness and trauma, the role of shelter providers, as well as implementing the 8 PFA Core Actions in shelter settings.