Intervention & Prevention Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
Assessing Social Risks of Battered Women
Publisher(s):Whether visible to outside observers or not, social risks are real and significant to the individual battered woman.
- General Material
Campaign for a Trauma-Informed Virginia
Publisher(s):The goal of the campaign is to influence state policymakers to adopt trauma-informed approaches by increasing investments in prevention of trauma and adopting trauma-informed and evidence-based practices across state agencies that impact children and families.
- General Material
Culturally-Sensitive Trauma-Informed Care
Publisher(s):This resource provides healthcare providers with strategies to incorporate a culturally competent lens to their trauma-informed approach into their practice.
- General Material
A Trauma-Informed Guide for Working with Youth Involved in Multiple Systems
Publisher(s):The purpose of this guide is to help those working with youth involved in multiple systems (YIMS) and their families to use a traumatic stress perspective and provide trauma-informed care.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Training Module: Health Care Practitioner Module and Resources
This resource includes an interactive, multimedia learning module and discussion guide introducing practitioners to the science of early childhood development, toxic stress, executive function, resilience, and mental health.
- General Material
Providing Financial Education Services to Domestic Violence Survivors
Publisher(s):This brief paper discusses the importance of financial education programs, and specific considerations when working with domestic violence survivors.
- General Material
EITC Central
Publisher(s):The IRS maintains this site as a comprehensive online resource for EITC information, including a "What's Hot" page to provide timely updates on the EITC program, including legal and administrative changes.
- General Material
- Training Tools
Hope & Power for Your Personal Finances: A Rebuilding Guide Following Domestic Violence
Publisher(s):This participant workbook can help survivors learn about, and organize, the financial aspects of their lives. Topics covered include financial inventories, budgeting, and job search. This resource is a component of NCADV's financial education project. Available in English and Spanish.
- General Material
Final Report on the project entitled: Animal Welfare and Domestic Violence
This study assesses animal maltreatment in samples of women seeking safety at shelters and community samples of women. Women in shelter were much more likely (54%) to report partners' hurting or killing of their pets than women not in shelter (3.5%).
- General Material
- Training Tools
Power and Control Wheel
Publisher(s): The Power and Control Wheel explains some of the common tactics used by abusers.
- General Material
How to Protect Yourself and Your Children from Domestic Violence: Safety Planning for Immigrant and Refugee Women
Publisher(s):This document offers guidance to immigrant survivors for planning their safety at home and at work and for planning for safety of their children. Available in English and Spanish.
- General Material
Healthy LGBTQ Relationships
Publisher(s):This handout provides information to help LGBTQ youth identify the signs of an unhealthy relationship. It also includes brief information on where they can seek help.