The powerful documentary Healing Neen provides a vivid understanding of the devastating impact that lifetime trauma can have on one’s life, help us reflect on our current practices and serve as inspiration as we move forward in our journey to providing trauma-informed services.
VAWnet News Blog
October is Domestic violence Awareness Month (DVAM), and advocates have been asking about the NO MORE campaign and how to incorporate its symbol and messaging in current DVAM activities.
Our legal system, like many other social systems, operates within an abelist construct. Ableism is a systematic form of oppression that privileges people who are able-bodied over people with disabilities. A system like this is not universally or equitably accessible to many people.
YWCA’s across the country have long promoted the mantra, “Eliminating Racism, Empowering Women.” True to the mission of eradicating the root causes of sexual and domestic violence, this organization recognizes the intersections of oppression and uses
Advocates often wonder about how to reach and provide culturally relevant services to meet the needs of diverse communities of color.
The summer months bring exciting opportunities for celebrating and reaching out to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) communities. During the month of June, many communities host Pride Events, Festivals and Parades as a space for activism around sexual and gender equality.