Rape Crisis of England and Wales, an umbrella organization for the network of independent rape crisis centers in the U.K, contacted NSVRC recently to discuss the goal of developing a national Sexual Assault Awareness Month. They were interested in how the U.S.
VAWnet News Blog
“In his new book, A Call To Action, Carter tackles a fundamental question of equality head-on: the subjugation of women in cultures around the world. Carter joins NPR’s Rachel Martin to talk about the state of human trafficking and whether religion can be a conduit for lasting change around gender.”
“Major corporations joined forces this week to pledge millions of dollars in new commitments to help end domestic violence and sexual assault as part of a groundbreaking effort to increase private sector support of these urgent issues.
“Republican Representative Tom Reed of New York gave a moving, emotional speech on the House floor on Friday about the “No More” campaign aiming to end sexual assault and domestic violence against women.
“Lack of resources is directly related to reduced government funding and decreases in private and individual donations, even as the demand for services has increased, in part because of mandatory domestic violence screening required by the Affordable Care Act.”
“Gender equality is not just a concern for women and girls, a panel of experts gathered at the United Nations in New York stressed today, highlighting the need to engage men and boys as allies and agents of change in this global struggle.”