• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Responding to the Needs of Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence

October 01, 2018

The term “immigrant" refers to individuals who come to one country from another country in order to live there permanently or for an extended period of time. Immigrants are very diverse, from varied socio-cultural, economic, and educational backgrounds. They include individuals and families who have lived in the U.S. for a short period of time, as well as those who have lived in the country for many years. They have different histories and biographies, including their experiences in their country of origin, on their journey from their home country, of the immigration process, and of living in the United States. Many immigrants are U.S. citizens or possess different types of legal immigration status, and some may be undocumented. This diversity among immigrant communities also extends to their experiences of domestic violence.

While there are differences in domestic violence experienced by immigrant survivors, there may be commonalities, such as patterns of abuse tied to the survivors’ experiences as an immigrant, as well as challenges and barriers to seeking help. Similarly, domestic violence service providers may face common challenges in offering services to immigrant survivors. These challenges and barriers could be linked to a limited understanding of issues related to the survivors’ immigration status, eligibility for public assistance, different cultural practices, English language proficiency, etc. It is also essential to note the importance of using a strengths-based approach, recognizing the courage, strength, resilience, and perseverance of immigrants who have sought to establish a new life for themselves and their children in the United States. This special collection explores the complex experiences of immigrant survivors and includes resources to support their path to safety and justice. It also includes resources that help domestic violence service providers respond effectively and appropriately to immigrant survivors.

It is important to note here that several documents included in this Special Collection focus on laws and regulations related to maintaining legal immigration status, public assistance, and related matters. These laws and regulations change over time and thus some of the documents included here may be dated or may become dated. For up-to-date resources on laws and regulations, please also consult the expert organizations listed at the end of this collection. This collection will be updated with new resources as they become available, and we welcome your comments and suggestions via VAWnet’s online contact form.

This collection was originally developed in 2009 by Sheetal Rana with the Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse, updated by Patty Branco on October 2018, and complements the related collections, Immigrant Women and Sexual Violence and Human Trafficking. Special thanks to Rosie Hidalgo and Heidi Notario for their valuable contributions.