Be the change we wish to see in the world. That is just what the staff of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) had in mind when we launched the “Access Initiative” in 2006. The Initiative represented NRCDV’s organizational commitment –as an employer, service provider, and community member—to individuals with disabilities and accessibility in general.
“The Access Initiative not only made me a better TA Provider, but also a better person.” - NRCDV staff member, 2013
The “ALL Are Welcome Here” poster was created by the Pennsylvania Cross-Systems Advocacy Coalition, supported by Grant No. 2007-FW-AX-K009, awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S Department of Justice. The NRCDV has reproduced this poster with permission, and free copies (in both English and Spanish) are available to the public free of charge upon request. To request copies of this poster, please contact the NRCDV at 1-800-537-2238 or nrcdvTA@nrcdv.org. Several NRCDV staff display this poster in their workspace as a symbol of their commitment to make our organization accessible to all.