Legal Momentum Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
January 2006
State Law Guide: Housing Protections for Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence and Stalking
Publisher(s):This review lists state laws and recent legislative proposals addressing housing-related issues faced by survivors of domestic and sexual assault, including prohibitions on housing discrimination, defenses to eviction, termination of leases, and penalties for seeking police assistance. Links from the document take the reader to actual text of the laws and legislative proposals. Advocates will find this state law and legislative review helpful for possible state-level housing-related legislative actions and ideas.
- General Material
January 2006
Tips for Domestic Violence Victims Seeking Unemployment Benefits
Publisher(s):This document provides Q&A explaining unemployment benefits, discussing eligibility in circumstances involving domestic violence, and describing the application process for benefits.
- General Material
Housing Rights for Survivors of Domestic Violence Living in Public Housing or Using Vouchers
Publisher(s):This Q&A fact sheet gives information about VAWA of 2005 and how it can help survivors of domestic violence.
- General Material
Legal Advocacy for Immigrant Survivors of Sexual Assault
Publisher(s):These slides include information on the immigration status and the barriers to services for immigrant survivors and how to address these barriers and fears.
- General Material
January 2005
Legal Resource Kit: Domestic Violence & Child Custody
Publisher(s): This Legal Resource Kit is designed to give an overview of the protections provided by the laws of different states so that survivors can make informed decisions about how to deal with domestic violence issues in the context of custody disputes.
- General Material
January 2005
Employment Discrimination Against Abused Women
Publisher(s):This document provides Q&A explaining legal definitions of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and wrongful discharge. Action steps involving possible legal remedies are briefly outlined.
- General Material
Legal Resource Kit: Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Employment
Publisher(s):The materials contained in this kit provide general information (This Kit should not be used as a substitute for an attorney's services). Contents in the kit include: Overview of Federal Law on Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Effective Complaint and Investigation Procedures For Workplace Sexual Harassment, Sample Letter to a Harasser and Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Resource List.
- General Material
Publisher(s):This report includes a brief description of the federal FVO, accompanied by a state-by-state chart that indicates whether the state has chosen to adopt the FVO, and, if so, how they have chosen to implement it.
- General Material
Ensuring Fairness and Justice for Noncitizen Survivors of Domestic Violence
Publisher(s):This article discusses the obstacles faced by immigrant women when trying to access the legal system for protection against domestic violence and how the courts can address these obstacles.
- General Material
January 2001
Advocacy to Improve Services for Battered Migrant and Immigrant Women Living in Rural Communities
Publisher(s):This manual provides information to immigrant, migrant and refugees living in rural communities about their rights, legal options and public assistance available, and safety planning tips. The manual also includes strategies for improving services for migrant and immigrant survivors of domestic violence women in rural communities.
- General Material
January 2001
Improving Accessibility of Your Program's Services to Battered Immigrant Women
Publisher(s):This pamphlet provides tips for community programs to expand services to immigrant women who are in abusive relationships.
- General Material
October 1998
Overcoming Cultural Barriers in Working with Immigrant Battered Women
Publisher(s):This document suggests service providers to become familiar with the laws that affect immigrant women, to develop multi-lingual and multi-cultural staff and develop contacts with people from diverse cultures in their communities.