Joyce Kyles Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
- Training Tools
October 2022
DVAM Webinar Series: #1Thing to #Care4Advocates Mind, Body, and Soul
Publisher(s): This free 3-part webinar series will feature tools and strategies for supporting advocates’ health and wellness, including ways to prioritize self-care and avoid burnout. Presenters explore how creating the conditions where advocates can thrive aligns with our values.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
- Training Tools
October 2021
Day 2 Plenary: Boots on the Ground: Centering the Voices & Leadership of BIPOC Survivors & Advocates in Prevention / Puesta en marcha: centrar la voz y el liderazgo de sobrevivientes y defensores Negres, indígenas y de color en el trabajo de prevención
Publisher(s):The Day 2 opening panel of NRCDV's 2021 Prevention Town Hall features the voices and lived experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color advocates who are leading prevention in their organizations and communities. Panelists reflect on what is needed to create real transformative change that centers racial justice.
- General Material
- NRCDV Publications
- Training Tools
October 2021
Session 1A: Elevating Community-Based Solutions: Alternative Forms of Safety & Justice / 1A: Elevar las soluciones comunitarias: formas alternativas de seguridad y justicia
Publisher(s): Transformative justice is prevention! Victims of abuse are often times reluctant to report and/or share their experiences based on a myriad of reasons. However, the desire for justice and safety is still needed and necessary. This strategy session from NRCDV's 2021 Prevention Town Hall highlights alternative community-based solutions that center victim support and healing.
¡La justicia transformadora es prevención! Las víctimas de abuso son a menudo reacias a denunciar tal abuso o a contar su experiencias debido a una infinidad de razones. Sin embargo, el deseo por la justicia y la seguridad sigue siendo inevitable y necesario. Esta sesión de estrategias del Congreso de Prevención 2021 del NRCDV, destaca soluciones alternativas que provienen de la comunidad y que se enfocan en el apoyo y la sanación de las víctimas.