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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

ABC - Teaching Human Rights: Practical activities for primary and secondary schools

General Material
Training Tools
Published Date
January, 2004

"This guide aims to serve as a user-friendly tool for human rights education and a multi-coloured umbrella covering a number of basic human rights areas. It offers practical advice to teachers and other educators who want to foster human rights awareness and action among primary and secondary school children, including suggestions for developing learning activities. It is not meant to place an extra burden on an already overloaded curriculum but to assist in infusing human rights issues into subjects already taught in schools."

Contents include:

  • Chapter One: Fundamentals of Human Rights Education
  • Chapter Two: Human Rights Topics for Preschool and Lower Primary School
  • Chapter Three: Human Rights Topics for Upper Primary and Lower and Senior Secondary School

"The activities in Chapter Two and Chapter Three are intended to give students a more profound awareness and understanding of human rights issues around the world and in their own classroom and community. They aim at stimulating independent thinking and research and building skills for active citizenship in a democracy."