• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Making Disaster Risk Reduction Gender-Sensitive: Policy and Practical Guidelines

General Material

Included in this publication is a policy guideline on gender mainstreaming, and practical guidelines on how to institutionalize gender-sensitive risk assessments, implement gender-sensitive early warning systems, and use gender-sensitive indicators to monitor gender mainstreaming progress. Also included is a summary of the limited global progress in this task so far, and a list of further readings.

  • Chapter 1: Mainstreaming Gender into Disaster Risk Reduction: Progress & Challenge
  • Chapter 2: A Policy Guideline for Gender-Sensitive Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Chapter 3: A Gender-Sensitive Risk Assessment
  • Chapter 4: Gender-Sensitive Early Warning Systems
  • Chapter 5: Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Disaster Risk Reduction