Criminal Justice Content Topic Results
The results displayed below have been grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections - containing our most highly valued resources - then by individual related materials. Refine your search by category, types, author and/or publisher using the options provided. Sort by date published, date added, or alphabetically. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
Results displayed are grouped first by VAWnet Special Collections then by individual related materials. For assistance in locating a resource, use our online contact form.
- General Material
March 2017
Georgia Domestic Violence Fatality Review Project 2016: 13th Annual Report
Publisher(s):This report by the Georgia Domestic Violence Fatality Review Project takes a closer look at the suicide-homicide connection. Perpetrators attempted or completed suicide in 38% of cases reviewed by the Project and 37% of perpetrators had threatened or attempted suicide in incidents that occurred prior to the homicide.
- General Material
March 2017
VAWA Confidentiality Protections for Immigrant Crime Victims
Publisher(s):VAWA confidentiality was designed to enhance protection for immigrant crime victims in several significant ways. This page provides information and resources related to VAWA confidentiality and courthouse protections for immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and other U Visa criminal activities.
- General Material
March 2017
Advocates and Law Enforcement: Oil and Water?
Publisher(s): This article includes a historical perspective on the role of victim advocates within the criminal justice system, highlights reluctancy advocates might experience when assisting victims, and provides tools for how advocates can work with law enforcement officials who might not believe the victim or feel like the facts “don’t add up.”
- General Material
- Training Tools
February 2017
Enhancing Police Responses to Children Exposed to Violence: A Toolkit for Law Enforcement
Publisher(s):Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Yale Medicine Child Study Center, International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
Police officers are frequently the first responders to situations that pose threats to the safety and well-being of children and families. This toolkit provides practical tools and resources to assist law enforcement agencies in building or enhancing effective operational responses to children exposed to violence (with or without a mental health partner).
- General Material
February 2017
Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Children Exposed to Violence and Childhood Trauma
Publisher(s): This toolkit provides tools and resources to assist law enforcement agencies in building or enhancing effective operational responses to children exposed to violence.
- General Material
January 2017
National Forum on Body-Worn Cameras and Violence Against Women
Publisher(s): These documents compile the deliberations and considerations of the IACP National Forum on Body-Worn Cameras and Violence Against Women, a multidisciplinary, national forum on creating effective victim-centered body-worn camera policies and programs for law enforcement.
- General Material
January 2017
Teen Dating Violence: NIJ-Funded Research
Publisher(s):This webpage includes links to various NIJ-funded research studies examining the nature, characteristics and extent of dating violence.
- General Material
January 2017
Addressing and Preventing Gender Bias Infographic
Publisher(s): This infographic from the International Association of Chiefs of Police provides an overview of key terms and principles to promote accurate, evidence-based beliefs about sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking.
- General Material
- Training Tools
January 2017
The Crime of Domestic Violence Roll-Call Video
Publisher(s): These informational videos educate law enforcement about domestic violence and how to respond to domestic violence calls.
- General Material
- Training Tools
January 2017
Response to Stalking Report Review Checklist
Publisher(s): This checklist helps to ensure that law enforcement officers adequately respond to and adequately report cases of stalking.
- General Material
January 2017
Ending Gender Bias in the Law Enforcement Response to Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
Publisher(s):In 2016, the Battered Women’s Justice Project organized a roundtable to continue the national discussion on the identification and prevention of gender bias in the law enforcement response to sexual assault and domestic violence. This report describes the roundtable, summarizes the themes that emerged as well as areas in which opinions varied, and recommends next steps toward implementation of the guidelines.
- General Material
January 2017
DHS Infographic: Protections for Immigrant Victims
Publisher(s):This infographic produced by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security offers an overview of crime victim based legal protections for adult and child immigrant victims. It covers immigration relief for victims who suffer victimization in the U.S. and/or abroad.