• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Additional Resources

The organizations listed below provide technical assistance and training in collaboration with domestic violence, healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood programs.

Center for Family Policy and Practice (CFPP), Madison, WI, is a nationally-focused public policy organization conducting policy research, technical assistance, training, and public education in order to focus attention on the barriers faced by never-married, low-income fathers and their families.

Center for Urban Families (CFUF), Baltimore, MD, has four programs offered in the following areas: family services, workforce development, responsible fatherhood, and program planning and evaluation. All four areas are interconnected, each touching some aspect of the lives of Urban families. Participants in one program frequently utilize the resources of other program areas. Each of these program areas supports the organization's vision to assist individuals in regaining the personal power needed to benefit their families and communities.

The Domestic Violence Resource Network is administered by the Family and Youth Services Bureau's Family Violence Prevention and Services Program. The DVRN is a network of five centers that provide resource information, training and technical assistance to federal, state, local and tribal agencies, domestic violence programs, local community- and faith-based organizations, and other entities and individuals who provide services to domestic violence victims. The DVRN works to strengthen the existing support systems serving battered women, their children, and other victims of domestic violence. Each resource center promotes research and provides technical assistance and leadership in the development of effective domestic violence public policy.

The Dibble Institute is a nonprofit 501c3 organization dedicated to helping young people learn the skills necessary for successful relationships and marriages. They serve as a national leader in the field of youth marriage education. The Dibble Institute develops, publishes, and distributes materials that help teens learn how to navigate their romantic lives.

Futures Without Violence works to end violence against women and children around the world. Instrumental in developing the landmark Violence Against Women Act passed by Congress in 1994, Futures has continued to break new ground by reaching new audiences including men and youth; promoting leadership within communities to ensure that violence prevention efforts become self-sustaining; and transforming the way health care providers, police, judges, employers and others address violence.

National Healthy Marriage Resource Center (NHMRC) is a clearinghouse for high-quality, balanced, and timely information and resources on healthy marriage. It provides resources and training for experts, researchers, policymakers, media, marriage educators, couples and individuals, and program providers.

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) has organized a number of key resources designed to support domestic violence intervention and prevention efforts at the local, state and national level.