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  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence


The following articles provide some of the framework and necessary information to better understand the intersections between TBI and DV. This is a bibliographic list that only includes titles and their sources. These articles are copyright protected therefore their contents are not included in this section. They appear as part of this collection to make the reader aware of these valuable resources and act as a supplement to the previous sections.

Arosarena, O. A., Fritsch, T. A., Hsueh, Y., Aynehchi, B., & Haug, R. (2009). Maxillofacial injuries and violence against women. Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, 11(1), 48-52.

Banks, M. E. (2007). Overlooked but critical: Traumatic brain injury as a consequence of interpersonal violence. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 8(3), 290–298.

Corrigan, J. D., Wolfe, M., Mysiw, J., Jackson, R. D., & Bogner, J. A. Early identification of mild traumatic brain injury in female victims of domestic violence. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 188(5), S71-S76.

Empire Justice Center (2006). Building Bridges: A Cross-Systems Training Manual for Domestic Violence Programs and Disability Service Providers in New York. Albany, NY.

Funk, M., & Schuppel, J. (2003). Strangulation injuries. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 102(3), 41-45.

Jackson, H., Philp, E., Nuttall, R. L., & Diller, L. (2002). Traumatic brain injury: A hidden consequence for battered women.Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 33(1), 39-45.

Kwako, L. E., Glass, N., Campbell, J., Melvin, K. C., Barr, T., & Gill, J. M. (2011). Traumatic brain injury in intimate partner violence: A critical review of outcomes and mechanisms. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 12(3), 115–126.

Mechanic, M. B., Weaver, T. L., & Resick, P. A. (2008). Risk factors for physical injury among help-seeking battered women.Violence Against Women, 14(10), 1148-1165.

Monahan, K., & O'Leary, K. D. (1999). Head injury and battered women: An initial inquiry. Health and Social Work, 24(4), 269-278.

Picard, N., Scarisbrick, R., & Paluck, R. (1999). HELPS (Grant # H128A0002). Washington, DC: US Department of Education Rehabilitation Services Administration, International Center for the Disabled.

Valera, E. M., & Berenbaum, H. (2003). Brain injury in battered women. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71(4), 797–804.