• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
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  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Providing Gender-Inclusive Services

“We must understand that programs are not offering the same services to victims of the LBGTQ community. Male and trans survivors are being denied services at local dv programs. We called over 30 programs and asked them if they provide shelter and services to men and all of them said yes. When we asked a male to call those same 30 programs, most of them denied him services without inviting him to come into the office.” – LBGTQ Advocate

The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act Final Rule indicates that all survivors must have access to services and programs and must receive comparable services including emergency shelter, victim centered advocacy, crisis counseling, support groups, and referrals to other essential services. Providing services to male-identified survivors is not only required by law; it is the ethical and right thing to do. Services that are inclusive and accessible to survivors of all genders is benefits all survivors of violence and increases the safety of their families and community.

Ask yourself…

  • When you think about male victims of abuse, who comes to mind?
  • When it comes to gender-inclusive services, how can you do better?
  • What is your organizational culture regarding male-identified victims of domestic violence?
  • What message would you like an individual who identifies as a male-identified victim/survivor to receive from your organization’s awareness materials?

This section provides guidance on how to recognize and respond to the specific needs of male-identified domestic violence survivors. NRCDV provides individualized support in building your organization’s capacity to serve male-identified survivors. To learn more, access our Enhancing Services to Male-identified Survivors Technical Assistance Framework.

"Gender is everywhere. No matter who is sitting down with us for an intake we need to understand what is happening in their relationship, and ensure that our services are the ones they need." Learn more from Lutheran Settlement House's Gender Inclusive Assessment.