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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Documenting Our Experiences: What We Have Learned

The following is a list of titles and brief descriptions, organized by year, of a sampling of films and documentaries about several recent disasters and major tragedies. These works are highlighted here as a reminder of the devastation caused by these events, the lessons to be learned from them, and as a tribute to the victims and survivors affected by them. These works are also offered as tools and resources for advocates and activists to use in their public education and awareness efforts on behalf of victims and survivors. Note that this listing is not comprehensive or exhaustive and the enclosed materials are not available for download or for sale through VAWnet but are offered as references only. Inclusion on this collection does not constitute an endorsement by VAWnet/NRCDV.


Inside Disaster Haiti (2011) by PTV Productions 
Inside Disaster Haiti follows international Red Cross disaster relief teams as they mount the largest single-country response in the organization’s history. Download the Press Kit and find additional information about this film at


If God Is Willing and Da Creek Don’t Rise (2010) by Spike Lee
Spike Lee’s second four-hour documentary about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, this film premiered August 23rd on HBO. View this documentary’s trailer and synopsis on YouTube.

Byron | Rosina | Danny | Tom Robbins | Earthea | Gina (2010) by Christiana Cooper-Kuhn and Devon Riter 
Two students in Montana State University’s graduate Science and Natural History Filmmaking program, have produced several short clips documenting the 2010 Gulf oil spill.


When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts (2006) by Spike Lee
Spike Lee’s Emmy and Peabody-winning 2006 film documents New Orleans’s devastation following hurricane Katrina.


Bowling for Columbine (2002) by Michael Moore 
This documentary by filmmaker and political humorist Michael Moore focuses on the Columbine High School massacre of 1999, in which two senior students embarked on a massacre, killing 12 students and one teacher and leaving dozens of other students injured. Find additional information about this film on Michael Moore’s website.