• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Social Media Engagement

Because of the potential for increased media and other attention to domestic violence around the holidays, it is important that advocates carefully examine and understand the data offered within this Toolbox. Advocates may be able to leverage this opportunity to raise awareness of domestic violence and educate the public about its magnitude and complexity. This section includes sample Twitter and Facebook posts to assist advocates in engaging with audiences and responding to questions about a potential connection between domestic violence and the holiday season. 


  • @NRCDV shares trauma-informed strategies to support #DV programs in promoting healing, wellness & safety during the holiday season, while attending to the diverse needs of survivors & advocates. #ThisIsDV
  • As we approach the upcoming New Year’s holiday, use this opportunity to reflect and look toward the next year! @NRCDV offers guidance for survivors & advocates: #ThisIsDV
  • Setting & reflecting on our life goals can be empowering! @NRCDV offers guidance for #DV programs engaging in positive visioning w/ advocates & survivors during the holidays. #ThisIsDV
  • The holidays are celebrations of joy, but they can also bring sadness. @NRCDV offers guidance to help #DV programs better respond to the wellness needs of advocates during the holidays: #ThisIsDV
  • Excessive workplace stress can affect shelter staff during the holidays. @NRCDV offers guidance to help #DV programs better respond to the wellness needs of advocates during the holiday season: #ThisIsDV
  • The holiday season can present both opportunities and challenges for survivors and advocates in shelter. @NRCDV offers guidance for cultural sensitivity during the holidays. #ThisIsDV
  • By solely focusing on Christmas during this holiday season, shelter programs may marginalize or ignore the needs of non-Christian residents & staff and those that do not celebrate Christmas. #ThisIsDV
  • @NRCDV offers guidance for responding to the food-related needs of survivors in shelter and for managing excess food that may be donated to programs during the holiday season. #ThisIsDV
  • During the holidays, food can be a means through which survivors and advocates in shelter express and celebrate their unique culture and traditions. #ThisIsDV
  • Making #DV services more supportive & accessible to different populations during the holiday season can make a big difference in the lives of families in shelter. #ThisIsDV


  • Whether or not domestic violence reports increase during the holidays, advocates face unique opportunities and challenges as we provide services to survivors during this time. @NRCDV Holiday Toolbox shares trauma-informed strategies to support programs in promoting healing, wellness and safety, while attending to the diverse needs of survivors and advocates. #ThisIsDV
  • Envisioning life goals may be more important than we realize! @NRCDV Domestic Violence and the Holidays: Beyond Resolutions, Envisioning Your Future discusses how the New Year’s holiday can be an opportunity for domestic violence programs to engage in positive visioning with advocates and survivors. #ThisIsDV
  • Setting and reflecting on our life goals can be empowering. As we approach the upcoming New Year’s holiday, use this opportunity to reflect and look toward the next year. @NRCDV Domestic Violence and the Holidays: Beyond Resolutions, Envisioning Your Future can help advocates and survivors think beyond resolutions and harness the energy of the coming new year to focus on setting realistic life goals that will promote resilience and healing. #ThisIsDV
  • Creating and nurturing shelters that attend to the well-being of staff and residents is year-round work that may require additional attention during the holiday season. @NRCDV Domestic Violence and the Holidays: Promoting Wellness and Managing Stress offers guidance to domestic violence programs in responding to the wellness needs of shelter staff during the holiday season. #ThisIsDV
  • The experience of being in shelter (for both survivors and advocates) can be particularly challenging and potentially isolating during the holidays. @NRCDV Domestic Violence and the Holidays: Cultural Sensitivity During the Holiday Season underscores the need for sensitivity throughout the Christmas-based holiday season, offering ideas about how programs can offer specific support to both shelter residents and staff. #ThisIsDV
  • Shelter kitchens are spaces for social interaction, and access to food may reduce feelings of family instability. Cooking food together may help shelter residents bond and apply or develop essential life skills. During the holidays, food can be a means through which individuals and families express and celebrate their unique culture and traditions. @NRCDV Domestic Violence and the Holidays: What’s Cooking? offers suggestions for ensuring that food selection, preparation and sharing during the holiday season are inclusive and empowering experiences for survivors in shelter. #ThisIsDV
  • As we approach the holiday season, strive for inclusiveness, keeping in mind that not everyone observes the same holidays (or any holiday at all), and that every culture celebrates the holidays with its own unique traditions. @NRCDV Domestic Violence and the Holidays: Considerations for Survivors from Specific Populations offers guidance to help shelter advocates in supporting survivors from different populations. #ThisIsDV