• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault

This section includes resources that address the intersection of human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual violence. It includes resources for social service providers and legal advocates working directly with survivors, as well as recommendations for preventing and combatting human trafficking. State and local organizations working in this arena are also highlighted throughout.

breaking_free_logo.jpgBreaking Free is a Minnesota-based non-profit and social justice/social change organization founded in 1996 by Vednita Carter.  Every year, Breaking Free helps an average of 400-500 women and girls escape systems of prostitution and sexual exploitation through advocacy, direct services, housing, and education. The main offices are located in St. Paul, Minnesota, with branches in Rochester and Minneapolis.  Breaking Free's doors are open to women and girls throughout Minnesota and the United States.

Serving Victims of Human Trafficking

USCCB.gifThe USCCB Anti-Trafficking Program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Migration and Refugee Services provides employment services through its Dignity of Work program and public awareness through The Amstad Movement campaign. The Anti-Trafficking Program provides information on identifying victims, how to assist victims of trafficking and the indicators of child trafficking.

slavery.jpgThe mission of Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking (FCAHT), an International and Domestic Anti-Trafficking Agency, is to improve and provide outreach and services to victims of human trafficking throughout the State of Florida by developing support programs, networking, coalition building, training, service delivery, and referrals to victims in need. FCAHT works closely with community service providers to provide victims with emergency food and shelter, medical and psychological treatment and other services as needed to help these individuals restore their lives and their freedoms.

sanctuary.jpgSanctuary for Families, dedicated exclusively to serving domestic violence victims, sex trafficking victims, and their children in New York State, launched its Anti-Trafficking Initiative in 2007 to provide targeted outreach and specialized services to victims of sex trafficking. The Anti-Trafficking Initiative provides:

  • Legal representation on immigration, family law, public benefits, and other matters
  • Clinical counseling as well as trauma-specialized psychiatric services
  • Comprehensive case management
  • Community outreach and education
  • Training/technical assistance to legal, social service, and other professional audiences

GEMSlogo.jpgGirls Educational & Mentoring Services (GEMS), based in New York State, provides comprehensive services to address the needs of girls and young women who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking. GEMS provides:

  • Prevention and Outreach
  • Intervention
  • Youth Development
  • Educational Initiative
  • Transitional and Supportive Housing
  • Court Advocacy
  • Alternative to Incarceration Program
  • Family Court Program
Resources on Trafficking and Indigenous Women