• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Meeting Survivors' Needs through Non-Residential Domestic Violence Services & Supports: Results of a Multi-State Study

This study was designed to meet the following goals: 

  1. Learn more about what domestic violence survivors want when they come to programs for supportive services, the extent to which survivors have had their service expectations met, and survivors' assessment of immediate outcomes associated with the services they receive.
  2. Learn more about how survivors' experiences, needs and immediate outcomes vary across demographic and domestic violence program characteristics. 
  3. Identify multi-level factors associated with survivors' positive service experiences. 
  4. Develop recommendations for domestic violence programs across the country for how they might improve their services.