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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Models in Prevention: CDC's DELTA Program

August 01, 2011

Nearly one decade after the CDC initiated the DELTA Program, there is a strong foundation of information and lessons learned regarding promising practices in the primary prevention of intimate partner violence. This collection highlights the successes of this program and its grantees, providing materials to support replication of these efforts across the United States and globally.

Special thanks to the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence (NCDSV), with whom NRCDV/VAWnet has a collaborative relationship to support the CDC Foundation's DELTA and DELTA PREP grantees in their work to prevent intimate partner violence. The NCDSV also maintains extensive lists of publications and links to DELTA Program-related resources. In addition, we'd like to recognize VAWnet's partner in prevention-focused resource provision and DELTA program support,, whose resources are highlighted inside.