• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

DELTA State Resources

Each of the 14 state domestic violence coalitions supported by CDC to carry out the vision of the DELTA Program has demonstrated outcomes such as training, public awareness campaigns, and resource development. The materials provided below offer a snapshot of the work of each funded state related to the DELTA Program, including statewide plans, highlighted outcomes, and links to their prevention-focused webpages, where available.

The Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault (ANDVSA) has a page on their website specific to Prevention Projects.

Project Spotlight: Stand Up Speak Up! is a campaign and a movement of Alaska youth that are working to end violence and to create communities of respect. Lead On! For Peace and Equality in Alaska is a three day mini-summit that builds leaderships skills to promote nonviolence in relationships and equality in communities across Alaska.The Alaska Network also has a series of When I Am An Elder PSAs that encourage Alaskans to join in in preventing domestic and sexual violence in Alaska.

The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence (The Partnership) has a page on their website specific to Prevention Projects.

Project Spotlight: The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence advocates for public policies, institutional practices and resources to promote healthy teen relationships and prevent teen dating violence. The Partnership convenes a Teen Dating Violence Policy and Research Committee, engages youth leaders in the policy advocacy process, and collaborates with local, state and national partners.


Project Spotlights: DCADV has partnered with the University of Delaware’s Women’s Studies Department to add a new Domestic Violence Prevention and Services concentration and minor made possible by a grant from the Verizon Foundation. Upon completion, students will have obtained all of the training topics required to complete DCADV’s Domestic Violence Specialist Certification. 
Safe and Respectful Relationships for All, an online resource developed by the Domestic Violence Task Force and Victims’ Rights Task Force Prevention Subcommittee, includes information, resources links and downloads for teens, parents, and teachers. 
The Delaware MEN: Men's Education Network is working to develop and implement a plan to engage men throughout The First State with the goal of promoting healthy relationships, and, ultimately, ending domestic violence.


The Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence (FCADV) has a page on their website specific to DELTA and Primary Prevention.

Project Spotlight: The Know Your Peace Public Awareness and Education Campaign includes this youth-driven website and materials, created as part of the Sunrise Primary Prevention Education and Awareness Initiative


The Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence (MCEDSV) has a page on their website specific to Prevention Education Materials.


Project Spotlight: The Montana Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence (MCADSV) hosts an annual conference, The Time Is Now: Envisioning and Creating Healthier Communities, focusing on how Montanans can work together to prevent intimate partner and sexual violence

New York

The New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) has a page on their website specific to their Prevention Project.

North Carolina
North Dakota

The North Dakota Council on Abused Women's Services (NDCAWS) has pages on their website specific to Prevention.



The Ohio Domestic Violence Network (ODVN) has a portion of their website dedicated to prevention.

Rhode Island
The Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICADV) has a page on their website specific to Prevention Work.

The Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICADV) has a page on their website specific to Prevention Work.

Project Spotlight:
The Woodlawn Community Partnership Team works together with diverse community members to prevent intimate partner violence and abuse at any age through education empowerment and action. They host an annual Block Party where the community comes together to speak out against violence and to promote peace in the Woodlawn Community


The Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance (VSDVAA) has a page on their website specific to Prevention.

Project Spotlight: Moving Up Stream is Virginia's newsletter for the primary prevention of sexual and intimate partner violence. Building Healthy Futures is a conference addressing the primary prevention of sexual and intimate partner violence


End Abuse Wisconsin has a page on their website specific to Prevention.

Project Spotlight: Prevention is the theme for this entire year’s Coalition Chronicles, a journal of WCADV. See the first set of Coalition Chronicles 30-1: Violence Prevention Fundamentals – Building a Foundation.