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National Organizations Addressing Abuse in Later Life

Administration on Community Living - The Administration on Community Living (ACL) brings together the efforts and achievements of the Administration on Aging, the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and the HHS Office on Disability to serve as the Federal agency responsible for increasing access to community supports, while focusing attention and resources on the unique needs of older Americans and people with disabilities across the lifespan.

Administration on Aging: Native American Programs - AOA Native American Program is dedicated to providing a forum for increased communication between Title VI programs to facilitate communication and information dissemination pertaining to training and technical assistance for Title VI Directors and to provide relevant and useful information so that Title VI Directors can improve their programs to better meet the needs of older Indians.

ADvancing States - The National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD) was founded in 1964 under the name National Association of State Units on Aging (NASUA). Their mission is to design, improve, and sustain state systems delivering long-term services and supports for older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers.

Advocacy & Services for LGBTQ+ Elders (SAGE) - SAGE is dedicated to improving the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older adults.

American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging - The mission of the ABA Commission on Law and Aging is to strengthen and secure the legal rights, dignity, autonomy, quality of life, and quality of care of elders. It carries out this mission through research, policy development, technical assistance, advocacy, education, and training. The Commission consists of a 15-member interdisciplinary body of experts in aging and law, including lawyers, judges, health and social services professionals, academics, and advocates.

Center for Elders and the Courts - The Center for Elders and the Courts website is designed to provide information to nations courts on issues related to aging, probate and elder abuse.

The Eldercare Locator - The Eldercare Locator, public service of the Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is a nationwide service that connects older Americans and their caregivers with information on senior services.

Elder Justice Coalition - The Elder Justice Coalition (EJA) is a national organization dedicated to promoting elder justice in America. The Coalition works to fulfill its mission through education, advocacy, and support of federal initiatives to address the growing crisis of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Elder Justice Website (USDOJ) - This website is a resource for victims of elder abuse and financial exploitation and their families; practitioners who serve them; law enforcement agencies and prosecutors; and researchers seeking to understand and address this silent epidemic plaguing our nation's elders.

National Adult Protective Services Association - The mission of the National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA) is to improve the quality and availability of protective services for disabled adults and elderly persons who are abused, neglected or exploited and are unable to protect their own interests.

National Center on Elder Abuse - National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) serves as a national resource center dedicated to the prevention of elder mistreatment.

National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life - National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life's (NCALL) mission is to eliminate abuse in later life by challenging beliefs, policies, practices and systems that allow abuse to occur and continue and to improve safety, services and support to victims through advocacy and education.

National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care - The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care (formerly NCCNHR) was formed in 1975 as the National Citizen's Coalition for Nursing Home Reform because of public concern about substandard care in nursing homes.

National Hispanic Council on Aging - The National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA) is dedicated to promoting, educating, and advocating for research, policy, and practice in the areas of economic security, health, and housing Hispanic seniors. NHCOA has developed a Hispanic Aging Network of community-based organizations across the continental U.S., the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico that reaches millions of Latinos each year. NHCOA also works to ensure the Hispanic community is better understood and fairly represented in U.S. policies.

National Indian Council on Aging - The National Indian Council On Aging (NICOA)  is a national resource center created to advocate for improved comprehensive health, social services and economic well-being for American Indian and Alaska Native Elders.

National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative - The National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative (NIEJI) was created to address the lack of culturally appropriate information and community education materials on elder abuse, neglect and exploitation in Indian Country.

National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center - The National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center provides support, technical assistance and training to the 53 State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs and their statewide networks of almost 600 regional (local) programs.

National Resource Center on LGBT Aging - The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging is a technical assistance resource center aimed at improving the quality of services and supports offered to lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender older adults by providing training, technical assistance and educational resources to aging providers, LGBT organizations and LGBT older adults. The center is led by SAGE, in partnership with 14 leading organizations from around the country.

NYC Elder Abuse Center - NYC Elder Abuse Center aims to prevent abuse, assist people 60 and over who are abused or at risk of abuse, as well as their family members, friends and neighbors, and improve how professionals, organizations and systems respond to their needs. They operate the National Elder Abuse MDT Training and Technical Assistance Center.

University of California, Irvine Center for Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect - The Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect is at the UCI School of Medicine, Program in Geriatrics. Locally, the Center of Excellence provides medical, forensic, and victim services to abused and neglected seniors and serves as a "living laboratory" of innovative approaches. Statewide, the Center of Excellence serves as a central source of technical assistance, best practice information, multidisciplinary training, useful research, and relevant policy issues in California.

US Aging - USAging represents and supports the national network of Area Agencies on Aging and advocates for the Title VI Native American Aging Programs that help older adults and people with disabilities live with optimal health, well-being, independence and dignity in their homes and communities.