• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Helpful Websites

The following websites have useful resources on nonprofit management:

Alliance for Nonprofit Management is a membership organization targeting capacity building research and practice. Their mission is to increase the effectiveness of the individuals, groups, and organizations that help nonprofits and communities achieve positive social change. They promote learning and research in the field to address the implications for effective practice.

Blue Avocado is a free online magazine for nonprofit organizations. It has helpful articles on a range of subjects and is published six times a year.

BoardSource is a recognized leader in nonprofit board service. They provide support, training and education for nonprofit leaders across the country, sharing an extensive range of tools, resources and research to increase a board’s effectiveness and strengthen organizational capacity. While they are a membership organization, some material is available to the general population.

Building Movement Project develops research, tools, training materials and opportunities for partnership that bolster nonprofit organizations’ abilities to support the voice and power of the people they serve. Their Race to Lead initiative works to address the racial leadership gap in the nonprofit sector.

Greater Washington Society of CPAs Nonprofit Financial Accountability Task Force is a nation-wide collaborative comprised of members of the accounting and nonprofit communities that seek to strengthen the nonprofit sector in the U.S. by improving financial accountability in the sector through ongoing education initiatives and robust discussion of current topics. Nonprofit Accounting Basics is their website for use by U.S. nonprofits of all sizes and at all stages of development for access to current reference and educational materials.

Independent Sector is a membership organization that pulls together diverse nonprofit organizations to advance public policy, to build knowledge throughout the nonprofit sector and to provide networking opportunities for leaders in the nonprofit field.

Move to End Violence was a 10-year project that ended in 2022. It used conversations, explorations, training, and practice in in-person and online convenings to build the capacity of the movement to end gender-based violence in the areas of beloved community, liberation and equity, transformational leadership development, organizational development, and movement building for social change.

National Council of Nonprofits is the national network of state nonprofit associations and other members. They serve as a centralized coordinator to help nonprofits make stronger collective impact across the country by identifying emerging trends, sharing proven practices and promoting solutions that benefit charitable organizations. They have a number of tools relating to good governance, finance, and fundraising.

Nonprofit Information is an independent informational website for nonprofits.

Nonprofit Quarterly is an independent nonprofit news organization that has been serving nonprofit leaders, charitable foundations, educators, independent activists, and others involved in the civil sector for more than fifteen years.  The journal is available online or in print. 

RoadMap provides tailored capacity building to social justice organizations around movement building, strategic planning, and social transformation, grounded in a framework of racial and social justice.

Supporting Organizational Sustainability Institute (SOS Institute) from Futures Without Violence offers resources, technical assistance, and hosts interactive, multi-day trainings to help U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women grantees, partner organizations, and community-based organizations, enhance their programming, organizational infrastructure and capacity. The overarching goal of the SOS Institute is to provide participants with core organizational competency through workshops, webinars, and tools that enhance their skills and improve their knowledge to maintain and sustain their organizations.

Tools to Engage: Resources for Nonprofits is an interactive, multi-level search portal that connects people and organizations looking to align the values and principles of their work to the best tools, research, and resources from across the social sector.

Transforming the Gender-Based Violence Movement: Increasing BIPOC Representation and Actualizing Accountability is a project to address the institutional and systemic issues that maintain racial disparities in leadership advancement and create ongoing barriers for People of Color to thrive (not only survive) in the GBV field.

World Trust works to advance social justice and racial equity with a strategic focus in Education, Health, Media/Culture, and Technology sectors. Through film, consultation, and education, World Trust seeks to advance radical imagination.