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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Organizational Resources

The following are lists of local and national organizations working with Latin@ communities. The local organizations listed below provide culturally specific programing and resources for Latin@s who have experienced domestic violence. The national/statewide organizations consist of advocacy groups and professional associations, which either intersect with the issue of domestic violence or work toward enhancing the wellbeing of Latin@ communities within the United States. Though these lists may not include every organization possible, they do represent a sampling of programs and services to mobilize Latinas and Latin@ communities to end domestic violence. We welcome suggestions to continue expanding this list.

Local Organizations

Advocate for low-income immigrants through direct legal, social and language services, training and outreach in the Washington DC metropolitan area.

Caminar Latino
The mission of Caminar Latino is to create possibilities for Latino families- affected by violence- to transform their lives and their communities in the Atlanta, GA.

Casa de Esperanza
Mobilize Latinas and Latin@ communities to end domestic violence in the twin cities (Saint Paul and Minneapolis, MN.)

Casa de la Familia
The mission is to address the mental health needs of individuals of all ages who have suffered a psychological trauma in a culturally relevant manner with dignity, compassion and mutual respect. Los Angeles, CA.

Centro Hispano Daniel Torres, Inc
The mission is to support and enhance the acculturation of the Latino population in the Greater Reading area, Pennsylvania through collaborative initiatives designed to enable individuals to improve their quality of life and the quality of life in their communities.

Centro Multicultural La Familia
Mission: To provide culturally-competent support services in a holistic approach in order to improve their quality of life. Pontiac, MI.

Consejo Counseling and Referral Service
Mission: To provide a continuum of behavioral health, substance abuse and domestic violence services to individuals and families across Washington to improve the quality of their lives and empower clients to participate in their communities at their highest level of functioning. Seattle, WA.

El Centro de la Americas
Mission: El Centro’s mission is empowering Latino families to achieve self-sufficiency and personal growth through the provision of bilingual educational, social, and health services. Lincoln, NE.

Enlace Comunitario
Mission: To promote healthy families through: comprehensive domestic violence intervention services in Spanish, preventative community education, policy advocacy and leadership development. Albuquerque, NM.

Hispanic Resource Center of Western Michigan
Mission: To serve. To educate. To Advocate.

Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama (HICA)
Mission: Dedicated to the social, civic and economic integration of Hispanic families and individuals in Alabama.

Hispanic Resource Center of Larchmont and Mamaroneck
Mission: To promote the cultural, economic, educational and professional integration of immigrants to the already established larger community and advocates for those in need.

La Clínica del Pueblo
Mission: To build a healthy Latino community through culturally appropriate health services focusing on those most in need. District of Columbia.

La Paz Chattanooga
Mission: To empower and engage Chattanooga’s Latino population through advocacy, education and inclusion. Chattanooga, TN.

La Posada Home
Mission: To assist women and their children who are experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, abandonment, or lack of opportunities. El Paso, TX.

CHASS Center: Community Health and Social Services Center
Mission: To seek to ensure the availability, accessibility and utilization of a range of locally relevant, culturally competent family violence and sexual assault prevention and support services for Southwest Detroit Latino families and youth.

Latin American Youth Center, Inc
Mission: The Latin American Youth Center's (LAYC) mission is to empower a diverse population of underserved youth to achieve a successful transition to adulthood, through multi-cultural, comprehensive, and innovative programs that address youth's social, academic, and career needs. District of Columbia.

Líderes Campesinas
Mission: The mission of Líderes Campesinas is to develop leadership among campesinas so that they serve as agents of political, social and economic change in the farmworker community. California.

Madre Tierra
A Virginia-based group doing outreach to marginalized communities such as women who have suffered abuse, transgender people, LGBT, victims of trafficking and sex workers. Virginia.

MUJER Inc (Mujeres, Unidas en Justicia, Educaion y Reforma)
Mission: To promote healthy lifestyles, emotional wellness and stability through advocacy, violence prevention and community education to strengthen low -income families. Homestead, FL.

Mujeres Latinas en Acción
Mission: Mujeres Latinas en Acción empowers Latinas through providing services which reflect their values and culture and being an advocate on the issues that make a difference in their lives. Chicago, IL.

Mujeres Unidas y Activas
Mission: A grassroots organization of Latina immigrant women with a double mission of promoting personal transformation and building community power for social and economic justice. San Francisco, CA.

Puentes de Esperanza
Mission: The mission of Puentes de Esperanza is to enhance the quality of life of the Latino Community in Southern Illinois, through partnership in a community-based ministry directed at social, health, and spiritual needs.

Sepa Mujer
Mission: To raise and unite our voices and to be heard and recognized in social, governmental and political systems. New York.

Servicios de la Raza
Mission: To provide, and advocate for, comprehensive, culturally responsive human services to all Colorado communities in need.

UMOS Latina Resource Center
Provide comprehensive, culturally and linguistically supportive services and advocacy to adults, youth and children impacted by domestic violence, dating violence and sexual assault. Milwaukee, WI.

Vida, Legal Assistance, Inc.
VIDA seeks to provide and ensure that quality legal representation and other necessary direct and indirect services are available to economically disadvantaged immigrant survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking, and other violent crimes. Miami, FL.

Violence Intervention Program (VIP Mujeres)
Mission: To promote nonviolent partner relationships,familias, and communities through raising awareness, activism, and culturally competent services that are respectful of each survivor's right to self-determination. New York City, NY.

Voces Latinas
Mission: To reduce the rate of HIV transmission among immigrant Latinas by empowering, educating and providing leadership and advocacy training to enable them to make healthier decisions for themselves and their families. Queens, NY.

National/Statewide Organizations

Arte Sana
Arte Sana (art heals) is a national Latina-led nonprofit committed to ending sexual violence and other forms of gender-based aggressions and engage marginalized communities as agents of change. Founded in 2001, Arte Sana promotes capacity building, awareness, healing, and empowerment through bilingual professional training, community education, and the arts.

Seeks to centralize assistance for advocates and attorneys facing complex legal problems in advocating for immigrant survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.

allgo works to sustains a statewide network of people of color activists, groups, organizations and allies, which through nourishment of relationships, grassroots organizing and artistic expression can radically transform systems and policies toward a collective liberation.

Asociación Internacional de Familias por la Diversidad Sexual (FDS)
La FDS es una organización que tiene como meta mantener la unidad familiar, luchando por la seguridad y el bienestar de sus miembros gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transgéneros; dando apoyo para que puedan enfrentar una sociedad hostil; promoviendo la información y la educación como herramientas para erradicar el odio, la desinformación, el prejuicio, la homofobia y todas las formas de discriminación conexas.

ASPIRA Association
Mission: To empower the Puerto Rican and Latino community through advocacy and the education and leadership development of its youth.

Familia es Familia
Familia es Familia is comprehensive public education campaign aimed at creating strong allies with Hispanic communities across the country. For the first time, this effort is being undertaken with major national Hispanic organizations willing to engage as national partners in advancing equality.

Latino Equality Alliance/Alianza Latina por la Igualdad
To promote liberty, equality, and justice for the Latino LGBTQ community. Acknowledging that the LGBT Latino community largely lives in Latino communities that might not yet be as LGBT-supportive compared to other geographic areas, one of LEA's major goals is to transform Latino communities into permanent allies in the LGBT community’s quest for social justice and full civil rights. LEA is also committed to engaging the larger LGBT community about Latino issues and needs.

Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
LCLAA works with Latino union members to advocate for the rights of all Latino workers and their families at all levels of the American trade union movement and the political process. Simultaneously, LCLAA strives to achieve social and economic equality for each and every Latino worker by developing programs that reach out and educate Latino workers about the importance of participating in the political process in order to ensure a strong voice for Latino working families.

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
Mission: To advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the United States.

Líderes Campesinas
Develop leadership among campesinas so that they serve as agents of political, social and economic change in the farmworker community. This leadership has created an organization by and for campesinas. The approach emphasizes capacity building, democratic decision-making, advocacy, peer training and leadership development as well as a mixture of traditional and innovative education, outreach and mobilizing methods such as house meetings, arts, and theatrical presentations at community venues.

MANA, A National Latina Organization
Mission: To empower Latinas through leadership development, community service and advocacy.

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Mission: To promote social change through advocacy, communications, community education, and litigation in the areas of education, employment, immigrant rights, and political access.

National Council of La Raza (NCLR)
Mission: To improve opportunities and open doors for Hispanic Americans.

National Conference of Puerto Rican Women
Mission: Preserving our heritage and rights through mentorship and leadership for a better tomorrow.

National Compadres Network
Mission: Based on the principles of "Un Hombre Noble" (A Noble Man)," the mission of the National Compadres Network is to strengthen, rebalance, and/or redevelop the traditional "Compadre" extended family system. It's by this process that we encourage and support the positive involvement of Latino males as fathers, sons, grandfathers, brothers, compadres, partners, and mentors in their families and community.

National Hispanic Council on Aging
Mission: To improve the lives of Hispanic older adults, their families and their caregivers.

National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA)
Mission: Calls for unity among Latinos around the country to provide the Hispanic community with greater visibility and a clearer, stronger influence in our country’s affairs. NHLA brings together Hispanic leaders to establish policy priorities that address, and raise public awareness of, the major issues affecting the Latino community and the nation as a whole.

National Immigrant Women's Advocacy Project (NIWAP)
NIWAP (pronounced new-app) was formed to educate, train, offer technical assistance and public policy advocacy, and conduct research that will assist a wide range of professionals working at the Federal, State, and local levels who work with and/or whose work affects immigrant women and children. NIWAP’s work is designed to promote the development, implementation, and use of laws, policies, and practices that benefit immigrant women and children.

National Institute for Latino Policy
Mission: To provide a unique approach and voice to the policy analysis and advocacy needs of the Latino community in the United States.

National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and Communities, a Project of Casa de Esperanza 
The National Latin@ Network is working at ending domestic violence and promoting the health and well-being of Latin@ communities around the country. The main goals of the National Latin@ Network are: education and awareness, advocacy, capacity building, accountability and training.

National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence against Women
The National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women (“NTF”) is focused on the development, passage and implementation of effective public policy to address domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. The full membership of the NTF is comprised of a large and diverse group of national, tribal, state, territorial and local organizations, as well as individuals, committed to securing an end to violence against women.

An all-volunteer grassroots group that works to raise awareness about the discrimination same-sex binational couples face under current U.S. laws when trying to keep our families together. Same-sex binational couples are LGBT American citizens or permanent residents who are married to, in a civil union with or registered as a domestic partner with someone from another country.

TransLatin@ Coalition
Advocate for the specific needs of Trans Latin@ immigrants who reside in U.S. and plan strategies that would improve their quality of life.

Unid@s – National Latino/a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Human Rights Organization (Washington, DC) 
The mission of Unid@s, The National Latina/o Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) Human Rights Organization is to create a multi-issue approach for advocacy, education and convening of and for our communities.

Visión y Compromiso
Mission: To improve access and provision of quality bilingual and bicultural health care to Latinos through self-empowerment, educational programs, health advocacy outreach, and development of public policy specifically aimed at Latinos and their families and as critical players in the implementation and workforce development in these areas. California.