• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Organizations focusing on Conflict Resolution

This brief list includes national and international organizations offering materials, mediation services, and/or training related to conflict resolution. This list is provided as a reference only and is not comprehensive or exhaustive. Organizations referenced below provide information that we believe may be more applicable and relevant for domestic violence advocates working in shelter settings. Links to additional resources may also be found through the following websites, if additional information is needed.

Center for Conflict Resolution (CCR)
The Center for Conflict Resolution (CCR) is a Chicago-based non-profit organization founded in 1979. In the past three decades, CCR has grown to become one of the nation's premier not-for-profit providers of mediation services and training. Since it's founding, the organization's volunteer mediators have handled over 30,000 disputes. In 2006, CCR's 120 volunteers and 11 staff members provided mediation services in approximately 2,000 cases, directly serving over 4,000 people.

Conflict Resolution Network (CRN)
The Conflict Resolution Network (CRN) offers Conflict Resolution skills to help individuals and organizations build stronger and more rewarding relationships. "Communicating creatively can start from where you stand. It may be within family, community, government or the international arena. Conflict Resolution skills are the tools to move the rocks from the path.” A variety of free training materials is available through the CRN website.

The Center For Nonviolent Communication (CNVC)
The Center for Nonviolent Communication is a global network of people and communities committed to living and teaching Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to resolve conflict and meet the needs of all people. NVC is defined as a "way of relating to ourselves and others, moment to moment, instead of letting the past dictate our present. By learning to identify your needs and express them powerfully, as well as to bring understanding to the needs of others, you can stay connected to what is alive in you and create a life that it is more fulfilling.” NCVC leaders facilitate workshops around the world, helping individuals, communities and nations learn to negotiate peace.

Restorative Circles
This website focuses on Restorative Circles, a specific restorative practice for supporting those in conflict. This model brings together the three parties to a conflict – those who have acted, those directly impacted and the wider community – within an intentional systemic context, to dialogue as equals. Participants invite each other and attend voluntarily. The dialogue process used is shared openly with all participants and guided by a community member. The process ends when actions have been found that bring mutual benefit. Restorative Circles are facilitated in 3 stages designed to identity the key factors in the conflict, reach agreements on next steps, and evaluate the results. As a circle form, they invite shared power, mutual understanding, self-responsibility and effective action.