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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Services available for female veterans and service members

The following resources are currently available for female service members and veterans. This list is not inclusive and expects to continue growing over-time. If you are aware of a resource that is not currently listed please, feel free to let us know by using our Online Contact Form.

Military Sexual Trauma while still in the military

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response 
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) is responsible for oversight of the Department of Defense’s sexual assault policy. SAPRO works hand-in-hand with the Services and the civilian community to develop and implement innovative prevention and response programs.

General services for women veterans

Department of Veterans Affairs - Center for Women Veterans
The center’s mission is to monitor and coordinate VA’s administration of health care and benefits services, and programs for women Veterans; serve as an advocate for a cultural transformation (both within VA and in the general public) in recognizing the service and contributions of women Veterans and women in the military; and raise awareness of the responsibility to treat women Veterans with dignity and respect.

VA Women Veterans-Women Veterans Health Care (OEF/OIF)
At each VA Medical Center nationwide, a Women Veterans Program Manager is designated to assist women Veterans. She can help coordinate all the services the veteran may need, from primary care to medical services to Mental Health and Sexual Abuse Counseling.

Services for homeless women veterans

May E. Walker House
A 30-bed transitional residence for homeless women veterans. Located on the grounds of the Coatesville VA Medical Center in Eastern PA.

Veterans shelter in Fayetteville, NC
A 4-bed facility that assists female veterans of domestic violence and sexual assault. Call (910) 977-2303.

Community Connections, Washington, DC
Provides comprehensive, respectful and effective mental health and residential services to residents of the District of Columbia and Montgomery County, Maryland. As part of the residential programs, Community Connections offers housing subsidies to homeless veterans with mental health needs.

The following programs identify themselves as having expertise with MST and/or sexual trauma more generally and the ability to provide treatment targeting these issues in a residential or inpatient setting.

NOTE: Programs vary widely. For example:

  • Some programs identify as “MST programs” and MST-related care is a core part of their programming; others do not identify as MST programs, but do have staff with expertise in MST. In these latter programs, staff can often work individually with veterans who need MST-specific care as an adjunct to the care they receive through the more general program. In these programs, veterans may also be able to receive specialized MST-related group or individual therapy through a local outpatient clinic.
  • Some programs serve women only; only one (Cincinnati) has a men’s-only program, although other programs serve very few women and often end up with men’s only cohorts. Others see both men and women concurrently but may have single-sex groups or other programming.

TRUST House. Boston, MA (Jamaica Plain)
Trust (Transitional Residence Utilizing Support and Treatment) House is a therapeutic residential program that offers secure and affordable housing along with a communal atmosphere in a treatment-focused setting in Jamaica Plain. The residence is home for seven women veterans and two house managers. Each resident participates fully in the daily operations of the house (including food shopping, cleaning, gardening, laundry, and cooking).

Women’s Integrated Treatment & Recovery Program. Boston, MA (Brockton)
This treatment program is designed to help women veterans who have both Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and a Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Designed to fill the gap between short-term inpatient and long-term outpatient and residential programs, the program offers approximately eight weeks of specialized, intensive treatment based on individual needs and strengths. The primary goal is to help women develop skills to maintain abstinence and manage PTSD symptoms. Veterans will have the opportunity to address specific trauma issues, including military sexual trauma. Other important issues such as medical, vocational, housing, family, and interpersonal problems will also be addressed as participants are encouraged to develop short- and long-term plans for their own recovery.

Women Veterans’ Residential Program. Batavia, NY
The Women’s Residential Program (WRP) provides state-of-the art treatment for women veterans who have experienced military-sexual and/or combat trauma. The all-female in-house treatment team includes psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, and social services assistants. The team works closely with other VA clinicians and makes referrals to Vet Centers, veterans’ organizations, and other federal, state, and local agencies to ensure that the needs of the female veteran are met. The program is a drug and alcohol-free environment.

Women’s Trauma Recovery Treatment Center (WTRC). Temple, TX
WTRC is located at the Central Texas Veterans Health Care System in Temple, Texas. The WTRC is an intensive 7-week, patient centered, residential treatment program for women Veterans with a history of MST. Women Veterans are admitted to the WTRC in classes, or cohorts, of no more than eight. Women from any state in the USA are eligible for admission.

Women’s Trauma Recovery Program (WTRP). Menlo Park, CA
The WTRP was designed to treat Women Veterans, active duty service members, National Guard, and Reservists with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is the first residential program of its kind and is open to women across the country. Many of the women who are referred to the program have experienced traumas that include but are not limited to military sexual trauma (MST), combat trauma, and training accidents.

Women’s Treatment Unit. Lyons, NJ.
The mission of the VA, NJ is to honor America's veterans by providing exceptional health care that improves their health and well being.

Center for Sexual Trauma Services. Bay Pines, FL.
Treatment available to female and male veterans, reservists, active duty personnel with PTSD secondary to sexual trauma (MST, CSA, ASA). The patients are seen in Residential or Outpatient setting. The focus of the residential program is on patients who have been unable to resolve MST issues/symptoms by traditional outpatient care. Participants range in period of service from Korean Conflict through OIF/OEF. Currently there is an increase in the number of OIF/OEF females, many of whom have experienced both MST and combat-related trauma.

Villages at Cabrillo VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic. Long Beach, CA.
The Villages at Cabrillo is a unique residential community offering transitional housing for homeless veterans, families, and youth. This 26-acre facility is administered by the United States Veterans Initiative. ADVANCE Women’s Program is a 35-bed female veterans program that offers sexual trauma counseling within the Villages.


Campbell, J. C., Garza, M. A., Gielen, A. C., O’Campo, P., Kub, J., Dienemann, J., Jones, A. S., & Jafar, E. (2003). Intimate partner violence and abuse among active duty military women. Violence Against Women, 9, 1072-1092. 

Suris, A., Lind, L., Kashner, T. M., & Borman, P. D. (2007). Mental health, quality of life, and health functioning in women veterans: Differential outcomes associated with military and civilian sexual assault. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 22, 179-197. 

Williams, I., & Bernstein, K. (2010). Military sexual trauma among U.S. Female Veterans. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.