Transgender, trans, genderqueer and many others are terms used to describe a person who identifies with a gender that is different from the sex assigned at birth. Resources listed here address specific issues and concerns for this population as they face sexual violence.
Connections - Setting the Stage: Strategies for Supporting LGBTIQ Survivors
This newsletter focuses exclusively on issues related to violence in LGBTIQ communities. Articles include information on interrupting problematic language, addressing the needs of trans survivors, and SANE protocol.
Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey
This report provides a summary of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey, including the prevalence and experience of sexual violence, in addition to many other forms of discrimination and hate crimes against transgender individuals. Included in addition to the full report are regional and state reports, as well as community-specific reports, which highlight increased rates of violence and harassment against communities of color.
Practical Tips for Working with Transgender Survivors of Sexual Violence
This article gives a very basic introduction to transgender sexual violence survivors, then lists 10 practical ways programs can provide more culturally-competent services.
Re/Defining Gender and Sex: Education for Trans, Transsexual and Intersex Access and Inclusion to Sexual Assault Centres and Transition Houses
Research conducted and presented in a masters thesis provides insight and reflection on issues, challenges, and cultural climates of sexual assault service providers in British Columbia. Sexual assault centers and advocates may find this research helpful in working to build culturally competent services and capacities.
Statement from a Transgender Woman Prisoner in California
This document includes a testimonial submitted by a transgender woman serving a life sentence in California on her experiences of sexual assault in prison and the systems that fail to keep her safe. It also includes statistical information based on letters received by Stop Prison Rape, an organization dedicated to ending sexual assaults in the prison system.
Serving Transgender Survivors of Sexual Violence
This technical assistance resource from the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape provides statistics on sexual assault in trans communities, addresses the lack of trans-specific services and barriers that transgender individuals may face in accessing services, and provides guidance for advocates.