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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence


Elbogen, E. B., Fuller, S., Johnson, S. C., Brooks, S., Kinneer, P., Calhoun, P. S., & Beckham, J. C. (2010). Improving risk assessment of violence among military veterans: An evidence-based approach for clinical decision-making. Clinical Psychology Review, 30, 595-607. 

Jeffreys, M. D., Leibowitz, R. Q., Finley, E., & Arar, N. (2010). Trauma disclosure to health care professionals by veterans: Clinical implications. Military Medicine, 175, 719-724. 

Marshall, A. D., Panuzio, J., & Taft, C. T. (2005). Intimate partner violence among military veterans and active duty servicemen. Clinical Psychology Review, 7, 862-876. 

O’Campo, P., Kub, J., Woods, A., Garza, M., Jones, A. S., Gielen, A. C., Dienemann, J., & Campbell, J. (2006). Depression, PTSD, and comorbidity related to intimate partner violence in civilian and military women. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 6, 99-110. 

Schaffer, B. J. (2010). Male veteran interpersonal partner violence and associated problems. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 19, 414-423. 

Teten, A. L., Schumacher, J. A., Bailey, S. D., & Kent, T. A. (2009). Male-to-female sexual aggression among Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam veterans: Co-occurring substance abuse and intimate partner aggression. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22, 307-311. 

Teten, A. L., Schumacher, J. A., Taft, C. T., Stanley, M. A., Kent, T. A., Bailey, S. D., Dunn, N. J., & White, D. L. (2010). Intimate partner aggression perpetrated and sustained by male Afghanistan, Iraq, and Vietnam veterans with and without posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25, 1612-1630.