• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Promising Programs & Initiatives

These promising programs and initiatives have been designed by national anti-violence groups, state domestic violence coalitions, or local community-based groups across the country. Most represent grassroots attempts to engage men and boys to end sexual and intimate partner violence. Note that this is not an exhaustive list, but a sample of promising programs. 

  • A Call to Men’s LiveRespect Curriculum: LIVERESPECT™ Coaching Healthy & Respectful Manhood offers coaches, educators, mentors and youth advocates the tools to build young men of character.
  • Alaska Men Choose Respect: Alaska Men Choose Respect is a space that offers information, networking, tools, and opportunities for men to come together as allies to end violence, promote respect, and strengthen communities in Alaska.
  • The Brown Boi Project: The Brown Boi Project’s leadership program is designed to strengthen brown bois' masculinity through culturally-based gender transformative learning. Their work speaks to trans and gender nonconforming brown bois, as well as those who identify as cisgender men of color, on their relationship to masculinity. 
  • California Polytechnic State University' Men & Masculinities Program: The Men & Masculinities Program at Cal Poly works to promote healthy masculinities and men's health on campus. M&M strives to create content that critically evaluates expressions of masculinities, their intersections with race and ethnicity, and how they inform health and well-being. Check out their virtual speakers series!
  • Coaching Boys Into Men: Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM) Coaches Kit by Futures Without Violence (Revised 2011) provides coaches with an easy to follow 12-week curriculum, which includes the CBIM Card Series, the CBIM Playbook, and additional References & Resources to support program implementation. The new version of the Coaches Kit includes additional resources for coaches, as well as two new lessons on Digital Disrespect and Understanding Consent.
  • Involved Father and Gender Equity Project: The Involved Father and Gender Equity project was a collaborative effort between the White Ribbon Campaign and Dad Central. The study explored the positive roles that fathers, organizations working with diverse fathers, and the fatherhood sector in Ontario in general can play in promoting gender equality, healthy, equal relationships, and ending violence against women in all its forms.
  • Men Can Stop Rape MOST ClubsCampus Men of Strength (MOST) Club is a comprehensive strategy to engage college-age men in preventing violence against women, developing healthy masculinity, and organizing to create campuses free from violence. Campus Men of Strength accomplishes these goals by supporting student groups, faculty, and staff who are working to end violence against women. They provide training, organizing tools and technical assistance based on our experience as a national leader in the prevention of men’s violence against women.
  • Men Can End: A Healthy Masculinity Project: The Texas Blazers aim to be visible allies on campus against gender-based violence. The MenCanEnd project produces a steady stream of opportunities for men, particularly those not usually engaged, to get connected with gender-based violence prevention. By explicitly linking the idea of unhealthy masculinity to rape culture, we hope to do primary prevention work to reduce violence in our world.
  • MenCare: MenCare is a global fatherhood campaign active in more than 40 countries on five continents. Their mission is to promote men’s involvement as equitable, nonviolent fathers and caregivers in order to achieve family well-being, gender equality, and better health for mothers, fathers, and children. MenCare’s media campaigns have been adapted around the world, inspiring men, their families, and their communities to support men’s caregiving.
  • National Compadres Network: The mission of the National Compadres Network is to strengthen and re-root the capacity of individuals, families and communities to honor, rebalance, and redevelop the authentic identity, values, traditions and indigenous practices of Chicano, Latino, Native, Raza and other communities of color as the path to the honoring of all their relations and life long well being.
  • NAMEN: The North America MenEngage Network (NAMEN) is the regional network of MenEngage Alliance, comprising of organizations and individuals working with men and boys to achieve gender equality, end violence, and promote health for men, women and children in North America. 
  • OHMAN/TNP: The Ohio Men’s Action Network (OHMAN) is a network of men and women, as individuals and as representatives of local and state organizations, working to engage men and boys in efforts to prevent sexual violence; sexual exploitation; domestic, intimate partner, family and relationship violence and to promote equitable, nonviolent relationships and a culture free of oppression. They seek to create and support communities where all people can live free of violence within their relationships, and share in their commitment to respect, safety, and equality. The New Playbook: “Stand Strong to Promote Non-Violence” provides participants the opportunity to increase knowledge and strengthen skills related to effectively challenging attitudes and behaviors that support multiple forms of violence. 
  • Te Invito: The Working With Latino Men Toolkit from the Naional Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and Communities is a comprehensive resource for working with Latino men in the US with original audio-visual materials in Spanish and English that can be used in local campaigns. It also includes sections on the rationale for working with Latino men, cultural consideration for doing the work, and ideas on how to take action at the individual and institutional levels. The toolkit also includes a collection of tools and materials for working with Latino men developed by various organizations in the U.S. and in Latin America.
  • Ten Men: Ten Men, a project of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence, is made up of local men from diverse walks of life who share a common vision—a world without domestic violence. While most men are not violent, many men remain silent in the face of other men's violence. Ten Men is committed to breaking that silence.
  • White Ribbon Campaign: Through education, awareness-raising, outreach, technical assistance, capacity building, and partnerships, White Ribbon's programming challenges negative, outdated concepts of manhood and inspires men to understand and embrace the incredible potential they have to be a part of positive change.