• Adult Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Runaway & Homeless Youth Toolkit
  • Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
  • Violence Against Women Resource Library
  • Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Project
  • National Resource Center on Domestic Violence


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An Online Resource Library on Domestic & Sexual Violence

Related Resources

A Call to Men
National men's organization addressing domestic and sexual violence prevention and the promotion of healthy manhood.

Coaching Boys Into Men
This Futures Without Violence public education initiative engages athletic coaches in teaching boys to respect the women and girls in their lives. 
"Using the power of online to get teens to do good stuff offline."

Engaging Men to Prevent Violence Against Women
The Engaging Men Program from Futures Without Violence aims to develop new male leaders in the field who are willing to publicly speak and act to oppose violence against women and girls; and create a ripple effect, encouraging men in many more states and communities to get involved.

Formerly known as Promundo, Equimundo works to achieve gender equality and social justice by transforming intergenerational patterns of harm and promoting patterns of care, empathy and accountability among boys and men throughout their lives.

Iowa Men's Action Network
Work to inspire all men of Iowa to partner with women to promote healthy and respectful relationships in their homes, neighborhoods, and the community, to model peaceful and respectful behaviors with each other, and to empower our youth with similar tools and skills necessary to live and expect a lifestyle free from abuse.

The Texas Blazers aim to be visible allies on campus against gender-based violence. The MenCanEnd project produces a steady stream of opportunities for men, particularly those not usually engaged, to get connected with gender-based violence prevention. By explicitly linking the idea of unhealthy masculinity to rape culture, the project hopes to do primary prevention work to reduce violence in our world.

Men Can Stop Rape
National organization working to mobilize men to use their strength for creating cultures free from men's violence against women. Campaigns include Men of Strength Club, Campus Men of Strength, and My Strength is Not for Hurting. [See Cleveland Rape Crisis Center's Men of Strength Club]

Men Stopping Violence
Works locally, nationally, and internationally to dismantle oppressive belief systems, social structures, and institutional practices.

Men As Peacemakers
To foster and develop peacemakers through modeling, mentoring, storytelling and dialogue. Based at the Minnesota Alliance to Prevent Sexual & Domestic Violence.

National Organization for Men Against Sexism
Activist organization of men and women supporting positive changes for men.

Ohio Men's Action Network
A network of men and women, as individuals and as representatives of local and state organizations, working to engage men and boys in efforts to prevent sexual violence; sexual exploitation; domestic, intimate partner, family and relationship violence and to promote equitable, nonviolent relationships and a culture free of oppression.

White Ribbon Campaign
WRC is the largest effort in the world of men working to end violence against women. In over fifty-five countries, campaigns are led by both men and women, even though the focus is on educating men and boys. In some countries it is a general public education effort focused on ending violence against women.

The following resources may also be useful:

Boys Will Be Men: Raising Our Sons for Courage, Caring and Community (Print-Non-Fiction). Kivel, Paul. New Society Publishers, 1999.

Packaging Boyhood: Saving Our Sons from Superheroes, Slackers and Other Media Stereotypes (Print-Non-Fiction). Brown, Lyn Mikel; Lamb, Sharon; Tappan, Mark. St. Martin's Press, 2009.

I am a Man: Black Masculinity in America by Byron Hurt (video)

A Call to Men works to "transform society by promoting healthy, respectful manhood and offering trainings and educational resources for companies, government agencies, schools, and community groups." Be sure to check out their Healthy Manhood Facebook group, their "boy moms" virtual community, and Training Institutes for Gender & Racial Justice.

"A Call To Men offers an invitation to men, not an indictment of manhood. We let men and boys know that their ideas about manhood, women, and girls have been shaped by their collective socialization. The messages that the media and culture bombard us with tell us that women are objects, property, and have less value than men.

Our job is to raise men’s and boys’ consciousness about their collective socialization so that they can think critically about how they might be reinforcing or passing on these harmful beliefs and so they can challenge those beliefs in other men. Because we address the root of these problems (from domestic violence and sexual assault to sexual harassment and workplace discrimination), we are paving the way for gender equity."